That’s More Like It

Mom and I went to the gym this morning, then I did the 30 minute walk away the pounds video tonight. Yeah! Though both times, I didn’t feel like I worked up enough of a sweat. I’m so critical of myself sometimes!  Still, I did more than I have been doing, and I want to keep that up.  Even if it’s not two workouts a day.  I want to do at least one a day for the rest of the month!

Later today we went to one of mom’s friend’s houses, actually, the people I house sat for over Christmas.  I was happy becuase I got to see their sweet little fluffy puppy again! 🙂  Ok, their dog is actually 7 years old, but still, he’s just a cute little thing!  I’m going to house sit for them again in June, so I’ll have to take a picture then to show you guys!  Anyway!  We went for this little class sort of thing about embossing velvet, which is pretty easy.  You just take about any rubber stamp, place it face up, but the velvet face down on the stamp, mist it a bit, then set an iron on it for about 6 – 10 seconds.  It looks really awesome.  I did mine using asian themed stamps, a crane and some bamboo and cherry blossoms, when I get it sewn up and add the beading, I’ll take a picture!  I’m going to have to pull out some of the velvet that I have and make scarves!  Just what I need, another crafty project/hobby!  Ah well, eventually I’ll set up some kind of booth or something and I’ll be able to sell all this stuff! 

Tonight, mom went to this concert, some christian singer, so I stayed home!  But I was good, I did the dishes!  I did a little more cleaning (really, one of these days my room will be completely clean, really!  Maybe… )  Then I watched the rest of Friends season 10, and played my old sims game, since I haven’t done that in forever!  Oh, and this is when I did my second workout too!

So now, it’s an hour later than it should be, since we’re springing ahead earlier… and I have to work tomorrow, so I’d better get to bed!

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March 11, 2007

Bah. Springing ahead means that when I sleep in, I don’t actually sleep in. Boooooooo.

March 11, 2007

I feel that way with the WATP videos sometimes too. I found one that REALLY makes me sweat bigtime and it’s not that long–it’s the WATP Walk & Kick. She alternates kickboxing stuff with the walking.

Ohh that sounds like something that I could get into. I’ll have to check it out!

March 11, 2007

Aw, what kind of little fluffy puppy do they have? I bet it’s a pom!! 🙂

I do the WATP Express 4 mile and I incorporate my own arm movements (and I use 2lb. weights). That definitely amps up the intensity!

March 11, 2007

thanks for all of your wonderful notes!! 🙂 embossing velvet sounds really fun and interesting. i’ve never heard of that before. that’s something i’d love to try. i’m so happy we put the clocks forward. it feel wonderful having the sun out longer. definitely a mood booster. great job with the exercising. i’ve been feeling very lazy lately. but any little bit helps! much love always, hon.

March 11, 2007

ryn: yeah…I shoulda done that, but didn’t. so then I felt sick afterwards!

March 11, 2007

Now for walk away the pounds, do you really walk that mile or is it just part of the theme? WAY TO GO on the two work outs and setting up some goals.