Over Zealous

This morning mom and I were about to go to the gym, when we noticed that it was a rather lovely sunny day, and that we should take advantage of it and go for a walk in the park.  Of course, that meant we had to take Maggie and Annie too!  (Well, we don’t always take them, but we try to because they love it so much!)  I always like going to the park too, since our walks are about 45-60 minutes rather than just 30 minutes at the gym!  Though when it gets hotter this summer, I’ll be wanting to go to the gym!

Anyway, we did 45 minutes today, then we came home and mom decided to bbq hamburgers for lunch.  While she was in the kitchen making hamburger patties, I decided to clean the back yard up a little.  If you recall, on January 7th, we had a huge windstorm which blew over like 12 huge pine trees in our back yard.  We had some guys come in who cut off all the brances and put them through a chipper, then they sawed the trunks into firewood sized pieces.  So our yard had about 6 piles of wood, along with a bunch that was just laying where they cut it, and the entire back yard is covered in sawdust, pineneedles, and little bits of tree branch.  So, I picked up a rake and raked up the mess that was directly in front of the patio.  When mom came out and saw, she was all happy, and went to get the garbage can so we could throw it right in and get it cleaned up.  Then somehow, for what ever reason, I can’t even remember why now, we started stacking some of the logs that were closest to the biggest stack by the back fence.  Then we just kept doing it… (well, we did stop to have lunch – and smores!!) We stacked up all the wood that had been just left on the ground where it was cut, and moved 3 of the other stacks to the back so all the wood would be in one place!  We did this for like 4 hours… Most of the logs were so big we could only roll them over to the stack.  I managed to heft some of them up on top, and anything we could lift we put on top of that. 

Mom finally went in to take a shower, and I was just going to air up the tires on our dolly that we had finally gotten out towards the end to help move some of the smaller pieces (by smaller I mean normal sized around 10" diameter) so I aired up the tires, and decided to test it out, so I moved about half of another pile by myself!  Mom finally came back out and made me go inside! ~L~ I figured as long as I was in the mood to do heavy manual labor, I might as well go with it!  (Today definately makes me feel better about not workingout yesterday!) 

I took a shower,(and wished the whole time that we had a hot tub!) then mom and I went out for dinner.   Dinner was really good.  The place we went to makes this great beer bread, our meals both came with some bread and a bowl of soup (clam chowder, my favorite!) which honestly, is a perfect meal right there.  But you get an entree along with it, I got this stuffed pork that also came with mashed potatoes and steamed broccoli.  The stuffed pork wasn’t quite what I expected, but still good.  (It looked more like a stuffed sausage, but it didn’t have the sausage taste/texture.)  I only ate my little bowl of soup (probably about a cup) the boccoli, (also about a cup) and half of the pork, (which was cut into 4 little pieces, and what I ate was maybe 1/2 cup)  And I was stuffed!  I got a to-go box for the rest of my pork, the mashed potatoes and the big hunk of beer bread that I didn’t even touch!  Maybe it does make sense, I think I read somewhere that the stomach can only hold like a cup of food or something like that… Oh, and I guess I did drink a couple of glasses of water, and a glass of wine.  Oh, then we also got this fantastic chocolate truffle mouse, though we only had a couple of bites each and took the rest to go!

Anyway, I was really full!  I finally took a gas-x pill which seems to have helped.  But the whole experiance definately reminded me that I so cannot eat the way I used to (which duh, it’s been like 6 years since I could do that!) and that I really, really should stop myself when I feel full!  So now that my stomach doesn’t feel so horribly over-stuffed any more, I think I’ll take some more tylenol and go to bed!

Oh, and I forgot to meantion, after washing my hair and doing it my normal way, it looks just fine!  I think it was mostly the different way she styled it or something!  At any rate, I am glad that I don’t have to go back to get it cut on some more! 

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March 4, 2007

I can’t stuff myself like i used to either. That’s a good thing!

March 4, 2007

I never could stuff myself, which is weird. What I considered stuffing was a snack to some people! Like my former roommates. Holy cow.

RYN: Yes, it is ALWAYS a good time to break out the champagne. Glad your hair looks better today. Mine does too! 🙂

March 4, 2007

it sounds like you have a really great relationship with your mom. i envy that! what a busy day but very productive. it’s great being outside, feeling the sun and breeze against your face. ahhhh, it’s making me salivate! haha, much love hon.

March 4, 2007

Sounds like a decent day. I also learned this weekend that I get stuffed much easier than I used to. Bah, it’s a horrible feeling, eh?~jo

March 4, 2007

I’m glad your haircut looks better than you thought. I’m so jealous. It’s warm enough to BBQ and stack wood where you are? It’s like maybe 20 here. dumb stoopid Indiana. poo. 🙂

March 4, 2007

Hi there! Sorry about being a deadbeat noter! I haven’t had much time during Lent but thanks for all your notes!:) Aww, so you guys were affected by the bad weather too? I heard about the stuff it did to Vancouver… I haven’t been there since but I don’t know how I’ll react to Stanley Park when I see it again. Wait a minute, you had 12 PINE TREES in your back yard? That must be a great back yard! 🙂

that stuffed pork sounds great, even just by the name of it! i wannnnnnnnnnnt it! lol yeah sometimes i just love those walks outside, the gym/inside tapes get too hot sometimes. its nice to go out and walk in the breeze!

March 4, 2007

Wow, it sounds like you had a very productive day! I’m so glad you like your haircut… I’m never totally happy with mine after I go to the salon, I always have to get home and mess with it myself before it’s “mine” and I’m happy with it. Cutting it on Tuesday and I never thought I would be but I’m really nervous! LOL!

March 5, 2007

ryn: thanks!

March 5, 2007

I had a “free day” on Saturday, and I realized the same thing–I can’t eat how I used to! I felt AWFUL afterwards–it made me not want to overeat ever again.