Shopping and Shadowboxes

I did really well in kickboxing tonight!  I toltally made up for feeling drained on Monday!  Mom actually threatened that she was going to make me go play with the boys because I was hitting so hard!  ~big grin~  We did abs at the end like we usually do, though tonight we only did sets of 10, which is so much better than 25!  I feel like 25 is just too many in a row, it really is when you consider that each person is picking a different ab workout and we’re doing 25 of each one, so even if there’s only 12 people in class, that’s still 300 abs!  (And most of the time there’s more like 16 or so!)  Now I don’t mind the total number, I’d say go around twice if we’re only doing 10 of each, but at around 17 I’m losing my form!  Um, anyway…  I also want to complain because I have really awesome abs, and NO ONE CAN SEE THEM!! ~grumbles~  ~L~

After kickboxing mom and I went to do some shopping, there was one sell thing my mom wanted, so of course we ended up buying a whole ton of stuff!  I picked out some cutesy easter pens and a chocolate bunny and told mom to put them in my easter basket! ~L~ Then I bought a couple of movies, Ever After with Drew Berrymore (if you’ve never seen it, I highly, HIGHLY recomend it! I got it for $7.50 at Target!)  And that cartoon Robots, which I’ve never actually seen, but I’m assuming that I like most cartoons by pixar, so buying it blind is a pretty safe bet!  I also got this cute pink and brown planner that was on clearance.  I have a little bit of a planner addiction.  I don’t use them as often as I should, but I love them! ~L~  Actually, I think I’ll want to use this one more because it’s so pretty!

Oh, and at work I finished 2 of the shadowboxes, I have a third one to do tomorrow that will have the baseball bats in it.  As promised, here are some pictures:


I still wish the lady would have let me talk her into something that would have looked better.  Of course these look fine, but imagine them with a dark bronze green suede matt and a frame with a braided edge that’s the same color as the gloves.  They would have looked even more antique-ish, and even more beautiful! (I guess if I ever frame anything like this for myself, I know what I’m putting it in!) 

Also, here’s another picture of a shadowbox I did a few months ago: (Oh hey, I just realized that’s the frame I was talking about that would have looked better with the baseball gloves!)

The quilt block and the sewing basket belonged to the lady in the picture, who gave them to her daughter in-law, who wanted to do something spechial with them. 🙂 It’s very sweet.  I did another one around Christmas that I really wish I would have gotten a picture of.  I was so stressed out at the time I kept forgetting.  It was all this boy scout stuff that belonged to the customer’s husband, his little blue boyscout shirt, pictures of him, his little red hankerchief thing, and the badges he’s gotten.  It was really great.  She gave it to him for Christmas, and she came back in later and told me that he absolutely loved it, he even cried! (Shadowboxes make people so happy!)  I really wish I would have gotten a picture of it.  Hum, maybe they’ll find another patch and decide to bring it in for me to add in!  That reminds me, I never got a picture of the first shadowbox I did either! Dang! That one was huge, like 25 x 30.  Lots of pictures, a horseshoe, a beltbuckle, army metals, it was just really cool.  (And a hell of a way to break my shadowbox virginity! I haven’t had to do one that difficult since then!)

Oh, I found one more, though I don’t know why I took a picture of this before I got it in the frame, and I can’t seem to find one after it was in the frame! Oh well, still, be awed by how pretty the ribbion looks, and how long it took me to stitch it down with silver thread so it looked all perfect! (Actually, everything in all of these shadowboxes is stitched, nothing was glued – no family heirlooms were harmed in the making of these shadowboxes!)

Somewhere, I have another picture of a wedding shadowbox that I did, so when I find it, I’ll post it for you guys too!

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March 1, 2007

That’s pretty!

March 1, 2007

I love all of them.

March 1, 2007

I can only see the first two pics here at work. *grumble* But yeah, you did a good job with what she gave you to work with. I thought the colours were way off too and I don’t have any clue about this stuff.So when you say you have killer abs do you mean underneath and no one can see them because of a layer of fluff on top (which I have) or do you mean because no one sees you naked? If your abslook great show us a picture! LOL! We’ll appreciate them for ya!~jo

Ohh, this craftiness is part of your craft. Now I understand. 😉 Lovely!

March 1, 2007

Those are so neat! The first two almost look like televisions, great job!

March 1, 2007

dude you have talent. My friend Heather is kickass and stuff like that too. I don’t have the patience for it.

March 2, 2007

RYN: a few of the women at work who have lost a considerable amount of weight have issues with their gall bladders. they usually complain about pain though. i never seem to have any. what were your symptoms besides the upset stomach?

March 3, 2007

wow. i can not believe easter is already coming up. where did the year go? i can hardly remember what i’ve done. cute pictures. thanks so much for your notes, hon. they do help.