
I let myself get kidnapped last night. Not a bright move on my part. Staying up and drinking until like 4am is so not a good idea when you have to work at 10am the following day.  Luckily, Bill had also gone out last night, so we were both useless! I was thinking, god, I’m going to be at work and not wanting to do anything, and Bill will glare at me for being lazy… But it worked out all right! ~L~  At least Sunday is a slow day!

Yesterday wasn’t too exciting for the most part. I got up and mom was on the phone, and we’d talked about going to the gym that morning, because we stayed up too late Friday night,  so Saturday morning kickboxing wasn’t going to happen!  Then when she got off the phone, she didn’t want to go, because she was really in the mood to keep cleaning/organizing.  I was going to go by myself, but instead decided to just do Walk away the pounds.  I did the 3 mile tape, so I actually got a longer workout than I would have if we’d gone to the gym!  After that I did more cleaning/organizing, and that was about the extent of the day until Jennifer called to tell me she was going to come kidnap me.

The most amusing thing that happened to me last night was when I was sitting on the floor, by the front door, leaning against this guy’s legs, and there’s a knock, so he jumps up and opens the door, and I just fall backwards (I guess I was leaning on him more than I realized) so I’m laying on the floor, with a nice up-side-down view of the cop who just knocked on the door!  Luckily, it wasn’t a big deal, I think one of the neighbors got woken up when we were out side having a snow ball fight, then they probably saw one of the other guys leave, so the cops were just making sure no one was drinking and driving.  After they left I told Jennifer that when I get married, I want cop strippers at my bachelorette party! ~L~ 

Last night was fun, but today I was useless.  I think I got four things done in the whole 8 hours I was there.  Four things that would normally only take me a couple of hours to do!  At one point, Bill said, you know, every time I look over at you, you’re just staring off into space!  ~L~ The last hour was the worst, we found things to keep us busy, but the last 15 minutes or so I think we just stood there!  Then I let mom talk me into going to the gym!  Oh my god… well, actually, it wasn’t so bad.  I didn’t think I’d be able to do it, but I made it, and I kept my heart rate in the fat buring zone, and it actually felt good to work up a nice sweat!

Now I’m really exhausted, I wasn’t even going to write anything, but I felt bad for not writing yesterday!  Anyway, woo, Monday… ~L~  Night!

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You know, all this planning for your wedding will make it happen. Be prepared for it. (Mentally I mean.) 😉

February 26, 2007

You know, even when you’re dead tired, you sound perky.

February 26, 2007

LOL cop strippers

February 26, 2007

Everyone talks about Walk Away the Pounds… I think I need to get with the program here! LOL

February 26, 2007

sweet! i love it when an alternate workout plan gives you an even better burn than the original. i’m about to workout soon so i have to mentally prepare myself. i’m not really in the mood today. . . much love hon.

February 26, 2007

Don’t you love the Walk Away the Pounds videos? I’m getting addicted to them–just bought a new one today 🙂

eh! we all deserve our drinking days! youre doing so great girlie, you deserve that alchy!