I have too much stuff!

I know this because I spent today doing even more cleaning & organizing in my room and the craft room.  I started off with my room, since I knew once mom came home she’d whine about not being in the same room with me! As I was cleaning off my desk, I came across this note that I took at work:

Creepy corprate guy just came back to the frame shop to tell me something, he’d aparently been helping move the Christmas clearance, since in both fists he clutched handfulls of little red Christmas stockings; with his shiney eyes and strange little smile, he looked like some deranged villian stealing Christmas.

Yes, that moment really was so entertaining that I had to write it down in detail! ~LOL~

Also, while I was putting stuff away, I came across something that really made me miss having long hair, my nifty hair chop sticks.  I used to put my hair up in a bun with those things all the time! Shortly after I got my hair cut, I was in one of those places that sell jewlery and hair accessories, and they were having a sell on hair sticks.  I was standing there picking out the ones I wanted, when it occured to me that I no longer had long hair to put them in!  I like the dumb things so much, I’ve kept them even though I don’t plan on ever having my hair long again. (My hair is so fine that it doesn’t look very good when it’s long!)  So I stuck some of my favorite ones into a pottery mug filled with rocks. (I got the mug at a ceramics conferance I went to last march, it got broken on the way back home, but I had to keep it!)

Eeeewwww… I was just scratching at one of my gallbladder surgery scars, and there’s a little lump under my skin, and I’m all, oh, it’s probably just one of those internal stitches, so I’m rubbing over it and poking at it, and I hear this thread-like popping/snap noise!  Eeeewwwww! ~L~ I’m sure it’s not a big deal, everything’s all healed up, and obviously the stich was weak and disolving away, but it was just, well eeeewwwww! ~L~ (My mom really appreciated hearing that story too, I grossed her out!)

Well, I managed to get a lot of cleaning done, there’s a nice noticable difference in my room and the craft room, so I’m happy! It would be nicer if I’d also taken some time to workout, but I did spend most of the day on my feet, and I don’t feel like I wasted my day.  I did walk around the house a lot, since I’ve never caught on to that nifty idea of putting everything that needs to go into another room in a basket to put away when you’re done cleaning that room.  Nah, I find one little thing and take it right into the other room, so a few minutes later when I find something else that needs to go into the same room, I have to make another trip! Oh, then when I’m putting things away in the other room, I sometimes get distracted with cleaning up something there!

At any rate, I did get a lot done, and I even took some time to pull out the box I have my wedding-dress-to-be material in and ooohed and aahhhhed over it for a while! ~L~ Then I drew a sketch of my dress, and took notes on which trim I wanted where.  I think every time I pull it out I decide where the different trims should go, but I’ve never written it down!  And just because I’m still planning my wedding doesn’t mean that I don’t have every intention of following through with my plan of focusing on me!  I go through these phases where I’ll really get into the wedding mood for a while, so I might as well take advantage of that to do some of the more tedious things. (Like using my 1" wide swirly roller stamp to decorate sheets of vellum that I then fold into thirds and staple with decorative staples (which I also have to rub some white ink onto so the gold isn’t so bright) to make the inner envolope that the invatation goes into.) Yup, I’m crazy, I know!

Oh, right, so about the whole focusing on me thing… ~s~  This obviously includes all the eating right and the whole exercise schedule (which I still haven’t completely followed, but hey, I’ll get there!) and then, basically, I’m just not going to go looking for a guy.  Or I don’t know, maybe I should be more strict with myself, impose a time limit or something.  I would say after losing a certain amount of weight, but I don’t want this to totally be about "I can’t date until I’m thin" I want it to be more than that, but I’m not sure what kind of goals or whatever I should set for myself in this case.  I guess I’ll have to think about it a bit. 

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February 24, 2007

Yet another gallbladderless girl. I have the same scars, as do three of my friends and soon…sooon…so will JO! Muahahahahahah. It’s been over a year for me, and sometimes my scars still itch and I can’t always get a satisfying stretch in. Hmph.

February 24, 2007

I’m one of the three friends Honor’s referring to. The one on my side did that too, about say a month after my surgery. I thought I was good enough to bend over to pick something off of the floor and “pop” went an internal stitch. It really grossed me out! I’m back to normal stretch wise though. They don’t bother me in the least, it’s like nothing was ever cut out of me.

February 24, 2007

Ok, so now I know a whole bunch of people with gall bladdersd removed! I didn’t really know anyone, and then in the last three years, a whole world of people have popped up! RYN: If you look back through a few old entries, I have a million pics of me with short hair. All the entry’s with a pic have (picture entry) in the title, so you can try searching for that if you have an od plus diary:D

lol Ew. I hate any noise that comes the body that you aren’t sure what it is. lol If you still are feeling domestic, you can come clean my room!

February 24, 2007

Whenever my hair is long, I want it short… so I cut it off, then I want it long again–never satisfied, I guess 🙂 But I think you’re right, keeping your hair short–it’s cute!

February 24, 2007

Eww about the stitches. I remember the dissolving stitches they put in my mouth after they surgically removed my wisdom teeth, and how they’d come out in strings in my food while I was eating. Hey, one nasty stitches story deserves another! LOL!

I have to tell you that I went on a man famine from 2001-2004 and they were the happiest times of my life. No lies. No drama. No compromise. It was great. (Not saying relationships can’t be great but I experienced tremendous personal growth in those three years. I’m excited to do it again.)

February 25, 2007

i wouldn’t go with a time limit. what if you do meet somebody, but he’s just not right for you. i mean he’s nice and everything, but then you feel this pressure fromyou’re time limit so you marry him because of this? not to sound cheesy, but love doesn’t have a timeline. lol. as for the gallbladder thing, my sister had her’s taken out yrs ago, but when she got pregnant, the pressure on her skin…

February 25, 2007

…made one of the stitches pop out. (the kind that are supposed to dissolve…yeah right).

February 26, 2007

yikes, a stitch popping. that sounds pretty creepy. moreso than that guy at the frame shop. i like your plan of action for waiting to go guy hunting. it seems like the right thing to do for now.