Weigh-In & Workouts

It seems like when ever I start working out more, I gain weight.  Yes, I’m sure a bit of it is muscle, but more than anything, I’m sure it’s me thinking that I can eat more because I’m working out more.  At any rate, when I weighed myself this morning and saw that I’ve now gained 2 1/2 pounds, it was a real wake up call.  I tried keeping track of my calories today, though it still seems to make me think about food too much, and makes me want to eat more.  Or maybe I’m eating normally and just over analyze it because I’m keeping track.  Maybe I even eat less, but I don’t realize it because it still seems like too much.  ~sigh~ It’s all so confusing!  So, I decided that since actively keeping track of my calories makes me so crazy, I’m going to start planning my meals ahead of time.  This is always a good idea with me anyway, since other wise, I don’t think about eating until I’m starving, then I eat what ever I can get my hands on!  Besides, I really need to start making my lunches the night before so they’re all ready to go!

Along with that, I’m going to focus more on getting in all my water, I’ve been really bad about that!  I read somewhere that you should drink your weight divided by two in ounces.  So, if I’m about 236, then I should drink 118oz, which is 14 and 3/4 cups of water.  That really sounds like a lot… but I’ve done it before.  I’ve got this water bottle thing I drink out of all the time that’s 32oz, so I try to drink 4 of those a day.  And I’m sure you’re supposed to drink more on top of that if you exercise a lot, though I’m just going to concentrate on those 4!

I also want to start going to bed at a reasonable hour and getting a decent amount of sleep! I’m better about this than I used to be, but still, it would be nice to feel rested!  Not only that, but then I’d have some more time in the morning to get stuff done, since I wouldn’t be sleeping until an hour before I have to go to work!  I’m also going to throw in some vitamins, because heck, if you’re going to do something, might as well go all the way with it.

Basically, your standard "diet" formula, eat less, drink lots of water, get pleanty of sleep, take some vitamins, and exercise! Speaking of exercise, I did good today.  Even though I did sleep until an hour before I had to go to work, I went to the gym after work, where I did the treadmill for 45 minutes, and I just finished my pilates tape.  I was going to do that earlier, but mom had a boy over, and I was being unsociable, so I didn’t even want to go into the livingroom to get the tape! ~L~ I told her I wasn’t interested in meeting any more guys until they lasted for more than one date.  Hum, that sounds pretty mean doesn’t it? I don’t mean for it to be mean!  I was telling my friend Bill at work that I get the evil urge when I meet them to yell, "You’re not my dad!" Then go storming off into my room and blast some teenage angsty music! ~L~ It’s best if I stay in my room!

Oh, I also decided to start doing a weekly work-out summary, which I’ll post on Sundays with my weigh in.  Here’s what I did this week:

Sun 11 – 35 min Elliptical
Mon 12 – 60 min Kickboxing
Tue 13 – none
Wed 14 – 60 min Kickboxing
Thur 15 – 30 min Walk Away the Pounds Tape
Fri 16 – 50 min Bellydance DVD, 45 min Walk
Sat 17 – 45 min Walk

I totally blame those damn valentine’s day cookies for the 2 1/2 pounds!  Ok, they probably weren’t the only things that were to blame, but that does account for about 8 (or more!) cookies I woudln’t have eaten other wise! *boooo*

I’m hoping that my new workout schedule, along with all those other things, will get rid of that, and hopefully a little bit more, I’d love to be at 232 next week, which would mean losing 3 1/2 pounds.  That’s possible though, I just have to stay focused! 

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You could just be getting your period soon and you are retaining water! Don’t get down on yourself! And don’t start eating less just stay over 1000 calories and below 2000 calories and you will lose weight! Just don’t overdo things! You’ve done great on workouts! I’m so proud!

February 19, 2007

That’s a great idea to plan out your meals! Then you can avoid getting too hungry, and when you *are* hungry, you already know what you’re going to eat–fantastic!

February 19, 2007

Ooh! A Bellydancing DVD! Now that sounds cool. Well done on all your working out, you should be proud of yourself!

February 19, 2007

poop. those stupid 2.5 pounds. it’s not much but it’s still annoying! you know, it makes perfect sense that you might be gaining since you think you can eat more, due to exercising more. i probably do the same thing. my portions have gone so crazy that i need to focus! good luck hon.

February 19, 2007

You’re a step ahead of me if you’re working out. I’ve managed to keep it at bay for three weeks now…but tomorrow, tomorrow scares me. Bellydancing and yoga at the gym! *eep*

February 19, 2007
February 19, 2007

Sounds like a really good workout schedule. I would wait and see if the extra weight drops within the next week before getting too discouraged. It may just be that you were retaining water or had extra poo in you or something. Gross I know, but possible. Ya never know. Good luck! :o)~jo

February 19, 2007

i like your plan. good luck

Those pounds will probably drop off this week. I’ve seen the same pattern with lots of people. (Unfortunately, it tends to freak us dieters out. No wonder!) Just keep at it like you are. No worries. P.S. I’ve been experimenting with a hoodia product for the past week. I think it’s doing the trick. I’ll give it another week. If it’s any good I’ll start spreading the word.

February 19, 2007

Planning your meals is a great idea. I usually plan my day the night before, so when I wake up all I need to do is get through the day and stay on track. Then anything I really wanted that day I can plan into the next day. So far, so good! 🙂

sounds like you have a good plan. Good luck. You can do it.

February 19, 2007

holy poop! I didn’t realize how many notes you have, how dear do you keep up with your admirers? lol. I wish i had your will power in exercising. I love it, it’s just getting the energy to DO it. I think you’ve inspired me, I’ll exercise tomorrow! whoop! 🙂

February 20, 2007

Ryn – The sad part is, I have several bellydancing workout dvd’s at home, and have tried them a total of three times. I hang my head in shame.