A Pretty Okay Day

Mom and I didn’t go to kickboxing this morning, we figured that after falling on my head last night, I probably shouldn’t be doing anything high impact!  I don’t have a big bump, or a headache, but the back of my head hurts where I hit it, and all day I was parinoid that someone would come along and smack me up side the head and make it worse!  (Not that I get smacked up side the head a lot, it’s not something I usually worry about!)  Instead, we took the dogs down to the park and went for a walk.  That worked out pretty well, since I didn’t feel like going too fast today, and mom is still having shin splint issues, so we went slow and tried to re-train our dogs on how to heel.  They do fairly well, they would be better if we took them for more walks though!  It’s good for my dog Maggie too, since she’s starting to get weird around other dogs, either she’s skittish, or she’s growling at them.  Miss unsociable!  So she needs to be in the park meeting more people and dogs!

We made breakfast when we got home, hashbrowns, bacon and eggs.  I ate my eggs, one piece of bacon, and half a hashbrown, I couldn’t handle any more, too fatty, blech!  We gave the rest of it to the dogs, so they loved us today, a walk, and people food which they never get!  We played a couple hands of canasta, then started working on doing some cleaning!  Ok, actually, we were putting away Christmas decorations… ~L~  Yup, we’re bad!  The best part though is that we turned on the Christmas music while we were doing it, since all the CDs are still in the player!  I kinda miss Christmas all ready… Oh well, it’ll be back up in about 9 months! Wooo! ~L~

We also worked on organizing our stuff in the craft room, and putting away all the valentine stuff we got out.  I got my new organizer things put in place now, after sitting out in the garage for about a month, they barely stink at all any more!  I’m really happy to be getting that done, since it’s been bugging me for a while, I want my crative space to be ready to use when ever I feel like it!  Now if I could just get some of the projects done that I’ve all ready got started instead of starting more!

I was going to do another workout tonight, a yoga tape or something, but it got too late, and if I go to bed now, I’ll be able to get up earlier and do the pilates tape before work! So exciting! ~L~

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February 18, 2007

i love going for walks with my dog. it’s so good for them to get exercise and what dog doesn’t like going outside? christmas in 9 months? that sounds too soon!! where do these months go? it’s scary how fast time flies, how much older we are getting. blech, stupid thought. enjoy the rest of your day hon.

February 18, 2007

Hee hee. I’m sure I would have been just as bad about the christmas stuff – but with a kitten climbing the tree every chance he got, I was grateful to take the damn thing down!

February 18, 2007

Yum, your breakfast sounds delish!

A craft room! That is awesome. I want to be more of a crafter and I would love to have a craft room.

February 18, 2007

Isn’t it amazing how you don’t even really want the fattier foods once you’ve changed to eating healthier? Great job with breakfast! 🙂

February 18, 2007

you have much more gumption than I. I’m lazy. 🙂 hah. And fat, guess that’s why. lol. anyways. Hope things are getting better and better. Mine just get more and more confusing. bleh. I don’t know. I love it and hate it all at once. so. yep. Read my entry tell me what you think.

February 18, 2007

i love how well you and your mom get along. i would never be able to spend a day with her like that. we’d be at each other’s throats. lol.

lol Awwww the lucky puppies! I want some of that breakfast!