Just Another Day (Sprinkled with some Love!)

Everone at work loved the cookies, and only one of the ladies cursed me for bringing them.  Thank goodnes I don’t work with Jo though, I could just imagine turning around, and she’d be there just staring at me, then she’d lunge, and start strangling me and screaming about free cookies, FREE FUCKING COOKIES WITH SPRINKLES!!!  Aaaaauuugggghhhh!  ~giggles~  Oh, and the weirdest part (aside from Jo like coming all the way from Canada to strangle me over cookies) is that everyone really liked the dumb little Sponge Bob valentine’s. I thought they’d all just be like, ok, thanks, what ever… But they actually seemed really grateful and happy about them.  Maybe it’s the flash back on the happy carefree times of boxes covered in construction paper and glitter.  (I even think creepy corprate guy was smiling more than he usually does.)  Amazing what some inexpensive little valentines can do.

I felt pretty tired towards the end of the day, I’m still not sleeping enough.  (And still staying up late and complaining about it!)  Well, and I’m all crampy, so all I really wanted to do today was crawl back into my nice warm bed with a heating pad! I breifly thought about skipping kickboxing.  But I’m not skipping kickboxing so I can stay home and be crampy, then start thinking about valentine’s day, then start feeling sorry for myself, to heck with that!  Instead I went to kickboxing and gave 100% maybe even more.  We got in groups of five at the end of class, one person holds the focus mits for the punches, and another holds the bag for the kicks, and the other three people hit.  And when you rotate with groups of five, one person has to go again.  I volunteered to do it. ~s~  I didn’t even tone down the kicks at the end.  Most of the time when we do the group thing, I’ll do lighter kicks so I don’t use all my energy kicking, but I kept kicking as hard as I could!  Oh, then at the end of the class, we do abs, and when I came back after my surgery, I couldn’t do a whole lot.  Which is to be expected, since they cut a hole through my abs, then I hadn’t been able to really use them for about 3 weeks!  I was a little bummed, because I was pretty good with abs, I mean I’ve got some damn nice abs! (You just can’t see them right now!)  Anyway, tonight I was able to do more than I’ve been able to the last few classes, including holding the entire 30 seconds on the planks!  WHILE LAUGHING!  That’s right, laughing, while doing planks, becuase mom and I were joking around about something and I got the giggles, then I couldn’t stop, then I felt like if I did stop laughing I wouldn’t be able to hold my plank any more, so I just kept laughing and holding! 

When we got home, mom gave me my valentine’s day presents.  I got a couple of mugs, one cutesy pink tea cup from starbucks, and a cool red & black one from, somewhere… ~L~  She got me some other nifty things, as well as one of those cool flip-over type belgian waffle irons!  (Yup, I really do dig stuff like that!) Though that meant I got to make "dinner" (or waffles that would be served with strawberries and whip cream!)  I had to go to the store and get waffle mix though, mom thought we had some, but all we had is pancake mix.  I’m going to have to learn me some good waffle recipe now!  So dinner was good, and that waffle iron is fast! Woo!  After dinner we worked on the valentines we were making for each other.  Mom got mine done, though she had extra time last night while I was baking cookies!  I showed her what I had done, which is a lot, it just needs a few more touches!  She really loved it though, of course! She wants me to hurry up and finish it so she can take it to work and show it off! ~s~

So yeah, you read that all the way through my day and there’s no mention of Matt, or flowers, or anything even slightly romantic.  ~sigh~ I guess I really didn’t expect anything today, because right now I’m just like, whatever.   Like I told my mom, I’ve got all these great girls telling me I’m going to find someone so much better, and how can I doubt them?  ~s~ I love you guys!

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February 14, 2007

Sorry you didn’t hear from him, but at least now you can put it behind you and move forward. My mom bought me a heart-shaped waffle maker for Christmas! Aunt Jemima makes a whole wheat pancake & waffle mix and it’s really good! The recipe calls for oil but I just completely omitted it and they tasted great! Especially with strawberries and whipped cream…. my favorite! RYN: Homemadecards are so awesome… the way cards are supposed to be, in my opinion. The more I learn about you the more fantastic I think you are! Matt would’ve been lucky to have you – but alas, there’s an even better guy out there with your name all over him! LOL! *hugs*

February 14, 2007

ah, i love when people mention starbucks in their entries. lol, I work there. I know what cup your talking about. Reading your entry made me miss my kickboxing class. Today will make 2 weeks since I’ve been. Darn manager has been making me work when I say I want thursday off. In march, I will go back. I have a ‘Matt’ in my life, I know what you mean.

February 15, 2007

Gotta agree with Loser here – you went out on a limb, and that was spectacular. Respect yourself and your cojones. He’s seemingly uninterested, so take yourself (and your cojones) and put all the mental effort you were spending on him back onto yourself. And then some other guy will come along who wants you and all the valentines you can possibly make.

February 15, 2007

Haha! I’m not that bad! I only imagined doing that to someone, I didn’t actually strangle one person yesterday! *big toothy grin*And I agree with all the girls above. You’ll find someone even better who deserves all of your love and attention.~jo

I’m going to play the devil’s advocate here and suggest that maybe he’s intimidated by you. That can happen when a guy really likes you and then he finds out you like him as well. He gets all insecure and questions what he might have to offer you. (I’ve had a lot of guys confess a similar situation to me.)

February 15, 2007
February 15, 2007

I Love those cups from Starbucks, I have the pink travel mugs… whaahoo, I am suck a geek. What better way to enjoy waffle. You totaly need strawberries and cool whip!

Sorry he didn’t get back to you. He still might. If he doesn’t he doesn’t deserve you anyway. Thanks for your note.

February 15, 2007

I’m glad everyone loved your valentines and cookies. Everyone is right, you’ll find someone better–some guys are just for “practice” lol 🙂

February 15, 2007

RYN: Thank you for you notes of encouragement.

February 15, 2007

hooray for yummy cookies and waffle makers. that sounds like a spectacular gift if i do say so myself. and it sounds like you are doing well in the whole matt respect. you’re keeping strong and not going crazy or binging. in fact, you are doing more exercise. go you! much love hon.

February 15, 2007

RYN: Your waffle maker probably came with a recipe booklet to make waffles from scratch (if not let me know and I’ll give you the recipe I have). Just substitute the flour for whole wheat flour, the sugar for splenda, and the eggs for egg beaters – and forget about the oil! I prefer making things from scratch too but I wanted to make sure I was going to like them before I bought 5lbs of wheat flour. LOL

O0ooo0o I’m glad everyone loved the cookies!! I’m sure I would’ve too! They sound so delicious!