Waiting… *boring edit*

All day today the butterflies were tweaking out.  I kept looking at the clock, in 9 hours, I’m going to give Matt the valentine, in five hours, in two hours…  Then there I was at kickboxing, in 45 minutes, 30 minutes, oh please don’t let me pass out! Finally, class is over. I left the valentine and the letter in the car as to not draw attention, so I went out there after packing up my gloves and stuff, and I wait.  Mom comes out, I tell her to just get in the car and wait. (Of course we’re parked right next to the door, and right next to his truck, that’s got to be some kind of sign, right? That one parking place right by the door was there?  Right next to his truck!) I wait for him to come out, finally he does, and I go over to him, he’s telling me that if he doesn’t see us next week in class, it’ll probably be sometime next month before he comes back. I hold up the bag (oh, I put the valentine into a plain brown wine bag, the nice kind, with the handles! And stapled it shut!) he takes it, and asks, "What’s this?" I said something like, "Oh, just something for you." Then hand him the letter and say, "Read this first." "Read this first," he says, "right now? Or when I get home?" I panic, probably shouted a little, "OH NO! Not right now! Later! Later is good!"  He smiles, says thank you, I’m trying not to hurry too much as I get into the car.  I say goodnight, shut the car door, and say "oh my god, oh my god, I did it, I did it" about ten hundred times. 

The butterflies still won’t leave me alone.  I came home, took a shower, had dinner, and now I’m writing this.  Class got over a little after 7pm, I probably gave him the valentine around 7:15  and it’s now 8:30.  I was telling mom that he’s got to read the letter about 5 times, then spend half an hour in awe of the amazing valentine, another half hour thinking I’m crazy, then he has to take a shower, and go find some Lillys or orchids… then he’ll have to go back home because it’ll occur to him that he doesn’t know where my street is, so he’ll have to google it. ~L~ *fingers still crossed*  And I’m afraid to look at my e-mail… but I’ve got a bottle of wine! 

My mom is awesome by the way, she came home with a balloon for me, a frog, because I love frogs, that’s holding an "I love you" heart.  ~s~ She’s so sweet!  She also brought me today’s page off her Mary Englebright calendar, she said it was a sign:

I’d be inclined to agree with her.   I may edit this later, which reminds me, I edited yesterday’s entry to include a history of the crush.  I’m hoping knowing all that information will come in handy for some scrapbook page in our wedding album or something… ok, now I’m getting my hopes up a little too much…  Hope to have good news to report later!



No news yet.  I was craving cake big time a while ago.  (After I drank about a quarter of that bottle of wine!)  So I made my mom take me to Safeway, where they sell just a little thing of cake (because I don’t want a whole one!) chocolate with the german coconut icing… mmmm!  Then I bought a couple of doughnuts.  I’m like great, drunk fat girl buying cake AND doughnuts!  Out of my way!!  ~L~ But I only ate one of the doughnuts on the way back home, then I had to drink the rest of the wine, and chocolate cake and wine just didn’t sound good together! (Maybe if it would have been a red instead of a sweet rosa reisling!)  Then mom and I played cards, and the butterflies went away. (Probably becuase I got them all drunk, and they’re little, so they passed out!) ~L~ I hope he can’t sleep, just becuase I couldn’t sleep the other night.  Ah well.  The bonus though, if he isn’t interested, he’s not going to be in class for at least a month, which means I’ve got the ultimate weight loss motivation!  ~evil grin~  Yeah, ok, I’m still a *little* buzzed!  Though now I’m going to bed, because I’m going to get up at the butt crack of dawn and go to the gym with my mom!

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Haha. It’s funny what you told your mom. That’s just great!! Great job at kickboxing girlie! I’m so proud of you. I hope he calls soon!

You are so awesome. Good for you for following your heart!

February 7, 2007

Awwwww! Glad to hear you went through with it and gave him the Valentine. The calender pages is super cute. What a perfect day. I hope you get the answer you want. =)

February 8, 2007

That’s awesome 🙂 Thanks for the note! Pilates is great. It seems to tone quicker for me and it’s more of an all over body toning rather than focusing on specific parts while weight training. Have fun at the gym, you’re doing great!

February 8, 2007

I bow down to you and your romantic guts, my friend. I am in awe of your awesomeness and have butterflies! I can’t wait to hear if he gets in touch with you. 😛

February 8, 2007

Man, I just can’t wait to hear something! This is kill me for christ’s sake! It must be doing an awful number on you!~jo

February 8, 2007

oh so exciting and terrifying! I’m so envious!! Maybe sometime I’ll work up the nerve to be that balsy but I doubt it. 🙂 I’m hoping for the best! Fingers and toes crossed. The man have to be crazy not to want you or..ya know gay. lol. GOOD LUCK!

February 8, 2007

Ohmygoodness, my heart was pounding a million times a minute as I just read that, lol 🙂 That’s *great* that you gave him the valentine, even if nothing comes of it–that takes balls to do something like that!

February 8, 2007

You are so freaking adorable!! I’m on the edge of my seat wanting to know what happens next!! Make sure you update us, and good luck!!!! *hugs*

February 9, 2007

good for you! i totally look up to you for having the balls to hand over your heart like that. at least now we’ll know. . . .