Fine, I’m Officially Sick!

Well, it could be worse, I’m just all stuffed up, I mean it feels like it’s up to my ears and halfway down my throat, and ya all probably don’t want to hear about this… ~L~  Anyway, I called in sick today. My stupid manager (I refuse to call that woman my "boss" she’s far too stupid and undeserving of that title!) she was none too thrilled when I told her I wasn’t coming in today. She asked me who else was coming in today and I really wanted to snap at her, "how the hell should I know? I don’t write the schedule any more!" but I restrained myself! I’ve been sleeping since then, well, trying to, I’d actually taken some dayquil when I first woke up becuase I thought it would help and then I could go to work, but I was just feeling worse the longer I was up.  Is there something in dayquil that’s supposed to help you stay up? I don’t know, and I don’t have the original box any more.  I guess it doesn’t matter.  I’m feeling a little better now anyway, at least I don’t really have much of a sore throat, I hate having sore throats! 

The worst thing about this is that I really want to go to the gym still! Which come to think of it, I probably shouldn’t have gone last night, but at the time I didn’t feel THAT bad.  Actually, I still don’t feel super bad, but my thought is that I’m going to get better a lot quicker if I stay home and sleep than if I go to work and drag my ass around all day, and pass what ever it is on to everyone else!  All right, I suppose I should get back to bed, can’t get better by reading OD all day, now can I? (Or maybe I can… ~L~)

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January 30, 2007

Sorry you’re sick! I’ve been feeling kind of crappy lately too, especially my throat. It’s definately not fun!

January 30, 2007


January 30, 2007

Aw, hope you feel better soon. I always take Cold FX and Cepecol antibacterial throat losenges as soon as I get that first sign of a cold and it usually doesn’t develop into a full cold. But it may be too later for that for you this time. Next time my friend…next time!~jo

January 30, 2007

ry ryn: Did you go back and read my November entries? Did you read about how we used to have sex and he’s bloody amazing and it’s even worse that I know what I’m missing? Rawr! LOL!~jo

January 31, 2007

I think dayquil keeps you up and nyquil puts you down. Literally. Says Nyquil: “You idiot!”

I swear by daily drops (sublingually) of Oil of Oregano. Of course, I’m out now and I feel a cold coming on.

February 1, 2007

yikes. i hate being sick, but it is a nice perk to stay home in a toasty bed and update on here! 🙂 poo on your boss. it’s stupid if she got mad at you for being sick. i’m sure it’s not a good idea for the rest of your coworkers to catch it. get better hon!