
Well, I’ve done all most nothing but lounge around since Thursday, and it looks like that’s about all I’ll be doing until next Thursday.  I thought I was going to have to go back to work tomorrow, but my boss cleared my schedule after I went in this morning to do the ordering.  I showed her all the holes they cut in me.  So that’s kinda nice, since even the two hours that I was there today just sitting and doing the ordering seemed to wear me out.  But at the same time, I’m going kinda crazy just sititng around all day.   Though I guess the more time I spend sitting around, the quicker I’ll be all healed up.  At least today I feel capable of really sitting up and doing something.  Or I should say after coming home and sleeping for 4 hours after my little outting to work!  I really haven’t felt like doing anything but sleeping since Thursday. (And I guess I probably still should be sleeping as much as I can so my body can heal faster.) 

Of course all this down time leads to me thinking about all the things I’d rather be doing with time off.  Like cleaning my room.  It really is making me crazy that it’s so damn messy.  It’s starting to feel like it’s throwing everything else off balance.  I’ve been doing a few little things here and there, but nothing major.  Though maybe tomorrow I can sit at my desk and clean up that mess.  I guess while I’m sitting around all day I can write some great lists.  I love writing lists! 

So here’s my first slightly official-unofficial weigh-in of 2007:  http://www.geocities.com/goddess_euphoria/goals_weight.html

I’m down a pound and a half, which is awesome, and I’m hoping that next week is just as good and this isn’t some post surgery I’m sleeping so much I don’t have time to eat weigh-in… ~L~  But I’m thinking as soon as I feel like getting back to work and going to the gym and everything, I’ll be ok.

I took out my container of gall stones to make my mom feel guilty (she’s been on the phone all day with this guy, and I’m being like a little kid, I want attention!!) Then I opened the container and let my dog smell them, and now she’s kinda freaking out and sniffing all around my room looking for them.  ~L~

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January 15, 2007

good job losing the weight, and i’m sure the pound and a half is going to stay off. you are doing really well. keep it up! hmmm, gall stones. i can’t even begin to imagine what they smell like.