My teeth hurt
Well now i have parts of my braces on.. got them on this morning, they didn’t hurt at all then but now they do, they are not that bad now, but i’m thinking they’re gonna get worse in the morning.
I had a pretty productive day, but then it ended up in a really lazy one.
i woke up, went to the ortho and got the wire on, then went to practice, that was interesting, i’m incredibly weak *sigh* i hope in the game i get soem one weaker then i * prays that, that happens* then i came home and ate, then i went out side and raked and took out 6 barrels, now my arms feels liek jelly, do you know what i mena, after using your strength for a while, anywho so yea. a little later i talekd on the phone with katie for like 3 hours, we can just keep oing, but it’s about good stuff. Then i’m still lying in my bed then caitlin calll, and we talk for a while.
do ya see where my day just kinda went down hill.. uhuh now i’m tired again and want to go to sleep, but it’s only like 9 o’clock, sheesh but i have nothing else to do, i could clean out the fridge like i’m supposed too… uuhh no thanks i’ll do that tomorrow even though i should be doing my eng paper then.
That paper is an assignment, well it’s a persuasiva paper, about something you feel strongly towards… uh uhuh and how am i gonna do that.. well thats fun stuff.. and tomorrow i need someone to teach me math, cause my teacher sucks and she can;t teach, i really need to tell a higher authority about her.. *sigh* ok well i’m leaving now buhbyes