Ying to Yang

Things I really like:

  • The smell of freshly sharpened pencils for drawing
  • Cats
  • Halloween
  • Dancing
  • A sense of humor
  • Eating out at restaurants
  • Star Wars/dreaming about sci fi
  • Thunder and rainstorms
  • Winning at video games
  • Horror movies
  • Loud music, from numerous genres
  • Rum, whiskey and absinthe
  • Black coffee
  • Corvettes
  • Fog
  • Being creative
  • Reading
  • The moon
  • Breakfast food
  • Alligators, bats and skunks
  • Firelight, candlelight, quality incense
  • Skulls
  • Cooking for other people

Things I really dislike:

  • Kids that talk back to me
  • Stuffing
  • Long fingernails
  • Animal cruelty
  • My car breaking down
  • Cockroaches
  • Excessive pink
  • Hangnails
  • People who throw used gum on the ground or dont clean up after their dogs; in general, I dislike litterers
  • Mosquitos
  • Traffic/incompetent drivers
  • Expired milk
  • Having to learn or fix new technology
  • Taking the bus
  • Running
  • Crowded places, parties

Just saying.

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April 26, 2020

Oh yeah I dislike litterers more than anything! Owing to them the town and the park nearby are always a mess. One spring my husband and I decided to clean up the territory so disgusting it looked. We utilized tons of rubbish, to no avail: those pigs messed it all over again.