Report Cards

So today I received the boy’s report cards, or what they have become, report letters???

The writing is on the wall. I am waiting for the phone call about what a deadbeat i am and how my failure as their father has caused this. Yes, this will come from a woman, who on a whim, nuked out family and caused me to have a mental breakdown i still haven’t recovered from (bet you can’t tell. huh?)

I belong to a couple divorced support groups on Facebook, but I decided to write about this here. Just not in the mood for reassurances that God will pull me through or the usual colorful picture sayings will help.

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April 23, 2020

So how did your boys do?


April 23, 2020

Having trouble. Its not easy to do it at home when you’re used to school. My youngest has autism also.

April 23, 2020

@newt316 so, you’re the main caregiver? Does your ex even need to know? And if she’s not a caregiver, can you tell her to take a hike?

A divorce is like a death, the psychologists say. It takes time to recover.


April 23, 2020

@solovoice No I’m not, I live apart, but I am constantly guilted when things go bad and forgotten when they don’t.  I have kept a distance with the pandemic just on the chance that if any one of them gets sick, I won’t be drawn and quartered

April 23, 2020

But God will NOT pull you through – YOU have to pull yourself through. (I suppose religious folk would say that God makes the way, you take the steps).  At any rate, you are NOT a deadbeat dad (get that out of your head and stop chastising yourself with those thoughts). Think about the fact that she is also raising the kids, so, if those cards-now-letters are in bad shape, she is part of that too. Make a plan with your kids, without her in the middle, on how to step their grades up… maybe involve some kind of reward system that you know they’d like 🙂  And patience. This takes time. Things will only be your fault where you do nothing, and it doesn’t sound like that’s the case.  Hugs.

April 24, 2020

*shakes head* You aren’t a deadbeat. 🙁