
Tomorrow everything is getting ready to change, which I am hoping is nothing but for the better, but at the same time I am really, really nervous about the changes and only feel comfortable talking about it here, because I don’t want to make Shannon doubt any more than he already is.

Shannon is at orientation right now and starts his 18 months of schooling tomorrow at 8 am. At the same time, as of Sept 30 McDonalds will no longer have a third shift in Edinboro, which means the guaranteed hours Shannon has had will be gone.  He also has the opportunity to work a shift that will work better with his schooling.  And there is a chance for another promotion, that will come with more vacation and more money, until he gets done with school and gets a job (we hope) in his field.  I know that going to school is going to be so good for him and in turn for us.  I know that it is going to make things tight for a while but then again, maybe it will afford us more money because he will have no time to go spend it all LOL. 

I am nervous about big changes, which everybody knows about me.  This scares me, because we have a routine that is going to be shot to hell coming up, and I have to learn to be by myself again, which is something that hasn’t happened much since he has been on thirds.  I know I will be fine, when I get my own routine set up again, but for a few weeks it will be rough, and  I know I will be useless for some of it.  Just admitting to myself, cause I know me.  I am hoping that this alone time will make it easier to focus on my Mary Kay, and to actually build my business.  I really want to be able to start pulling in enough money to pay his tuition payments for the next few months.  Maybe even afford us a little Christmas this year.  

I know Shannon is really nervous about all the changes coming up, he does change worse than me.  It has caused us to fight a bit lately, which I hate, but it has made him admit to me what is going on.  We finally talked about it last night.  That is why this vacation was so important to us.  We have spent so much time together for the last several years.  We are hardly ever alone or apart except when we are sleeping or working.  And we are both nervous about those changes.  I know it will help us grow as a couple and I am looking forward to it.  


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September 24, 2013

I am familiar with situations rather like this, and though I understand it will be difficult for a while, I think it will be good for you, like you are saying. It is good to have some time to yourself from time to time, and to develop independent activities. I wish you the best of luck in your transition.