
 I am so angry right now I am shaking.  I am so tired of being the only one in this house who cleans anything.  Yeah, he does the dishes, but I have to fight him to do that most of the time, and it would be so easy if he just did them once a day.  I realize he works third and that his sleep schedule is messed up, but he comes home from work, and plays video games or on the comp, lays down about 8 or 9, gets up when I get home around 3 and then is back in bed by normally 5 until time for him to go to work at 9:30.  This is every day, whether he works or not.  The difference is if he doesn’t work then he stays up all night playing video games instead of working.  Every time I get a room cleaned up he promptly starts leaving stuff lay around again.  I feel like this is a never ending battle.  I work 50 hours a week.  I get up, and go in at 5 in the morning, get off at 3.  I get home, and maybe sit down for half an hour at the computer.  Then I eat and watch a show with him and then when he lays down I work on something, whether it is my schedule for work, my Mary Kay or cleaning up around the house (garbage, etc).  I usually try to go to bed between 9 and 9:30.  On my days off I get up in the morning and while he is sleeping I either shop, work around the house or do laundry.  I hate doing laundry.  I maybe ask him to help with it once a month.  Usually I ask him all week, can you just start the laundry before I get out of work and I will help you when I get home, but he won’t.  So I spend most of my morning at the laundry mat.  I hate the laundry mat.  It is always hot and the creepiest people are always trying to make small talk with me.  As soon as he wakes up he wants to go somewhere.  I have to beg to stay home, when all I want to do is finish what I have been working on.  I don’t really want to go to the mall or to the movie every weekend.  I feel like I am never home as it is and when I am home I am cleaning.  I do not know what relaxing is anymore.  I am really trying to build my Mary Kay and make it worth the money I have invested so I am putting a lot of time into that.  I am also expected to make sure all the bills are paid, the bank account is balanced, all repairs are made on the cars, the groccieries are all bought, etc.  If I ask him to go to the store he comes home with maybe two things, both things he wanted.  

Last night I finally got him to do the laundry.  First time in 6 months or so.  He did it in the middle of the night.  That is fine, I was sleeping, poorly, but sleeping.  When he got done he dumped all the clothes we don’t hang to dry on the couch and went to bed.  Now sometimes we do that, dump them so they don’t get all wrinkly.  Usually though I fold them at the laundry mat.  I always check everything to make sure they are dry before I bring them home, especially if I am going to dump them.  Now we had to wash our brand new pillow top because of another stupid thing he did yesterday (don’t even want to get into that) as well as about 3 weeks worth of clothes (that is when I start to run out of stuff LOL)  It is really no more than I usually do, except for an extra set of sheets and the pillow top.  He dumped everything on the couch at 4 this morning.  After dinner tonight (about 5) I was starting to fold the laundry (he almost never folds it even if I can get him to wash it) and almost everything on the couch was still damp or outright wet.  And it was already smelling, you know, how wet clothes do.  The pillow top actually could be rung out.  I said did you check anything before you took it out of the dryer.  He claims it was all dry and that it was raining and that is why everything was wet.  Well, I have brought the laundry home when raining like it did last night and it has never been wetter than it was when I took it out of the washer.  So unless he left the laundry baskets sitting in the rain for a while, he didn’t even check to see if they were dry.  

I am just tired of feeling like I am the only one doing anything.  I am just so tired.  end rant. Oh and before it is asked, yes I have talked to him about this and yes he helps for a day or two and we are right back where we are now.

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Maybe if he’s not going to pull his weight, treat him like a child, give him consequences, hide the video game console until he starts pitching in & helping or maybe you could just wash your own stuff & not his, eventually he will run out of clothes & if he pitches a fit, tell him he’s a grown man, he can do it himself. It sounds like he’s quite happy to let you be the maid. I think I would prob.

kick him out, one of my ex’s was like that. I actually hid the xbox & he behaved like a child in a temper tantrum. I guess you’ve got to work out whether its worth putting up with it or change things. From what you’ve said, it doesn’t sound like he’s willing to change, it appears he’s behaving like a single man, doing his own thing. Sometimes change is harder than staying. Hope you can work out

something. Take care.

June 14, 2013


June 24, 2013

That sounds frustrating. I sometimes deal with feeling like I do most of the housework, myself. Personally, I would advise against treating him like a child, though. That is not going to end well. Unless you are actually trying to get rid of him, it is better to actually communicate your problems than to punish someone. You wouldn’t appreciate being treated that way, and neither will he.

June 24, 2013

The most success I have had with this sort of situation is to just continually ask for help… not wait until it becomes insurmountable, not ordering or ranting, just asking my partner to help on a regular basis. That’s a lot of work in itself, but it feels like less of an imposition, I have found. Best of luck finding your own solution.

June 24, 2013

I don’t know what advice to give in this situation. I do know that some people will do as little as they can until they reach a limit, then try for a short amount of time and start slacking off again as soon as they feel they’ve done enough. Not cool. I’m sorry you have to put with this love. x