Rant to keep from stress eating

Having a very hard time not turning to food right now, I am stressed and having a panic attack and either I can’t eat at all or I c an’t stop eating. For some reason this one seems to be the later. 

We have had problems with our neighbors for months, pretty much since they moved in about a year ago.  They are incredibly loud, with their TV going 24-7, sometimes so loud in the middle of the night that we can literally hear what they are watching in our place over two fans on high.  We have complained to the landlord but he is in another town, and frankly I know he doesn’t want this place anymore and I think that as a result he doesn’t really care.  He used to be a great landlord, now he is really sucky, and we don’t typically bother him about anything.  

We have restrained from calling the police, even though we should have several times, because we didn’t want to get into that type of problem.   They are childish and petty, and we might as well have two 5 year olds living downstairs.  Even when one of them threatened my husband we kept quiet.  

Tonight they went too far.  They called the police because we park both cars in the driveway because the landlord told us it was fine until they got a car.   We had told them before we would move our one car if needed etc, but they never asked.  They told the police we refused to move our car and that they have one and want to park in the driveway.  All they ever had to do was ask.  

We moved the cars, and put a note on their door telling them which spot was theirs (the police said they didn’t know) and that we would park so they could get past us but we would not move our car every time they wanted in or out.  It was polite and well worded (I thought).  Shannon put it on the door, knocked and walked away.  He was back on our porch when they opened their door and they let their own dog get past them.  The dog came right to our porch (the second time this week it has belined for us and ran from them, even though we ignore it when it gets close).  I was still mad and was downstairs to move the car to the other side of the street , they were too close to our other car and bitching about not knowing where the dog was.  I said that it was in our fucking yard and to get it out.  I know I shouldn’t have sworn, but they called the police about something they never needed too.  They of course got mad (no surprise) and started screaming at us.  I told them to get away from us, get the dog and get out or we would call the police, all we wanted to do was move our car.  He got in Shannon’s face, said I will get out of your fucking yard but first I am going to do something about this.  I just dialed 911.  The police showed up and we told them everything.  The neighbors lied, saying that Shannon just walked through their front door and let the dog out on purpose.  Some of our other neighbors were on the porch and witnessed everything.  We got in the car and waited for the police, they stayed outside the car until the flashing lights came and high tailed it back to their apartment.  In the end I got lectured from the cop (who likes me) for not calling them about everything and that we were to call from now on, and told to stay away from them and them us.  They aren’t going to keep me up anymore, I will call the police.  Tonight was the last straw. 

This helped a lot.  Maybe I can sleep now.

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