
 It’s fall now.  More or less.  I was at work when one of my vendors mentioned the cold front juuuuuust passed. I stepped outside, and sure enough, it just passed : )  I just stood there, taking it all in.

The north wind breathes life into me.  I love how it feels on me, the rush of cold exhilaration.  The sensation of…..something other than oppressive heat.  I’m seriously not a fan of Texas weather.  I’m probably never leaving, so I should just deal with it.  It’s still 76 degrees in the apt, so no fall inside yet.  Maybe I’ll open a window to let some of the cold in tonight.  

Not that I need a north wind to breathe life into me right now.  I got that from another source ; )  But I’m not jinxing that, so shhhhhh for now.

I’m kinda bored.  I have about a trillion things I should do, but I’m just sitting here drinking wine with my hamburger helper and then who knows.  Bu tit’s OK.  I have felt realllllly good this week.  I hope that feeling doesn’t go away.  Like never.

A lot of my friends have moved/are moving this year.  It’s really sad.  I don’t know where I’ll live in two months, or how much money I’ll have.  But………I’ll be OK




It’s been a long long time since I felt like that.  More than that actually.


: )

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October 6, 2013

Yes, I’m spanish, as in from Spain. Not hispanic. Some people seem to get that confused 😛 I’m actually Basque, but most people don’t even know what that is. My sister is definitely a victim, also a bitch, but I love her despite all that. But sometimes, like in this case, I just want to punch her in the vagina.

October 6, 2013

I LOVE fall. It’s my favorite. The cold front has reached Alabama too, so I’m excited about it not being hot anymore.

October 9, 2013

i guess we got our cold front shortly after dallas did. i didnt feel it here until sunday ish but i sure am liking it. i like your positive attitude. you will most definitely be OK.

October 23, 2013

Good feelings are nice! But yeah, I lived in Texas but when it hits fall, even in the heat (I’m from MN) you know it. Good luck. 😉

November 28, 2013

You need to make your fonts bigger I cant read what is written but thanx for letting me know I am not the only lonely person.I think its age factor, at this point everyone is generally busy making their own life.earning money, having kids and getting married or whatever.