
 Some days, it just hits me.  My fears and insecurities just burst out right when I thought I may have begun to finally corral them.  The reason I have a hard time seeing movies with happy endings.  Sometimes, they are triggers.  Sometimes, simply life is the trigger.  It’s not something I can avoid, outside of barricading myself in this apartment and burying myself in a history book all day.  Like Trish told me, "until you can find the happiness you refer to, it is damn near impossible to be happy for someone else"

The question I now ask myself is, "Does that make me a terrible friend?  A terrible person?"



The last time I was truly just….happy?  Maybe 2010.  Maybe the 2nd trip to the beach in 2011.  The last time it was sustained happiness, over a period of months?  2008?  2009?


Maybe I’m just being harsh on myself.  I haven’t set any records here.

The things that make me happy?  Like truly, truly happy?  I can’t do alone.


And I miss them every day, even if I don’t miss the one I did them with.



Things I need to tell my friends:

1. There is a difference between saying you care and showing it.  I’ve had enough of the former.  Are you capable of the latter?

2. If not, should be still be friends?


Sometimes I imagine, if I were to just disappear from Facebook and texting and life in general, who would notice?  I’ve been tempted a handful of times, just to find out.  But I couldn’t devastate what’s left of my heart for a dumb experiment.


My soul knows how to take a pounding and survive.

But if survival is the goal, do I really have anything to celebrate?  Aren’t I capable of so much more?


And yet………….I know things are turning up.

It’s not easy.  For an eternal pessimist, thinking positive is NOT easy.

But I’m tired of letting people down.  I can’t do it again.

That’s the stress I live with on my shoulders.

It’s a blip.  

A half day lost, but a half day left to win.

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September 10, 2013

i must disagree with trish. you can be happy for someone else even when you’re depressed. well,i do suppose it depends on the intensity of it. severe depression can be really really bad. i’ve had/have both. so with the chronic stuff,it makes me happy when those i love are happy and have good news. just thought i’d add my 2 cents…i do empathize!

September 10, 2013

i must disagree with trish. you can be happy for someone else even when you’re depressed. well,i do suppose it depends on the intensity of it. severe depression can be really really bad. i’ve had/have both. so with the chronic stuff,it makes me happy when those i love are happy and have good news. just thought i’d add my 2 cents…i do empathize!

September 10, 2013

your last line sums it up – a straddling of the lines of pessimism/optimism. expect the worst and hope for the best. i hope you are able to pare down the faux friends from the real ones, shed that insecurity, and continue on with finding your own happiness.

When talking about friends, we have to realize that they’re people. All people are fickle. Fair weather friends are considered bad things to have but, if we take a step back and analyze the situation, why should we expect people to hang around [for an extended period of time] when we’re miserable and depressed? While it is great that we’re able to band together, we’re all still separate entities.

September 10, 2013

I deleted my facebook and made a fake one. I have a handful of true friends on there, and I can’t say how much of a relief it was to purge the people who were just there to judge me and snoop on my life 🙂

September 12, 2013

I had the hardest time reading your entry so I copied and pasted it to a word doc. Don’t worry, I didn’t save it. I’ve tried deleting my Facebook and stop texting people. They don’t notice. I had to reactivate my Facebook again because it seems I needed them just as much as they need me.