
Came into work this morning.  What a mess!  Tuesday mornings are usually bad, which grocery and frozen and perishable trucks messing up the sorta neatness and order I like my receiving area to be in.  Not quite Mary Poppins level clean, but walk around not feeling like you’re in a maze clean.  This was just ridiculous though.  Everything everywhere with zero regard for anything.  There was a reason I came in 45 minutes early, and this put me at 4:15am, so not easy to do.  I think I needed even more time to get this craziness sorted.  For a second, I pondered just giving in to all this, this mess of frustrations and emotions and irrationalities my life has devolved into.  But I decided, you know what, that’s not what I would have wanted to write about tonight.  So I persevered, best I could, and did a fairly manageable job.  Corner I think about to be turned, with this remodel finishing up this week.  Still completely unnecessary, but whatever.

Then on one plus hour of sleep, drove 45 minutes to visit my mom and siblings.  Entertaining, per usual, no complaints there.  My relationships with them are about as good as they are going to get, to expect more or anything closer and more meaningful just doesn’t sound feasible, and I guess I should be grateful for what I do have in that dept.  

I bought a bottle of chocolate wine tonight.  It tastes exactly like someone spiked chocolate milk.  Sounds gross but tastes pretty good.  I’m not even sure why I’m drinking.  Right this second, I don’t even really want to; I just wanted to try it.  Things could change in 10 minutes though, so I may end up downing half the bottle.  No idea.  Like roulette.  Feelings come and go.  Thoughts linger and sometimes blow away like clouds.  I’m quite unstable like that.  No the right word is volatile.  Up and down and up and down, or maybe more level and down, level and down.  Right now, level.  Later, who knows.  My mind is filled with despair and hope, sadness and laughter, in a battle for my soul (sorry for the melodramatics).  I miss the things that made me feel safe and good and warm.  Nuzzling noses, cuddling on the couch, a kiss as I left for work.  I in no way miss my ex wife.  She’s in the past, and while those were largely great times for both of us, it ended, and I came to terms with that a long time ago.  But I still miss those little things.  They made me feel invincible.  I’ve been vulnerable ever since.  And nothing in my life has quite made me feel that whole ever since.  It’s bittersweet at best, completely debilitating at worst.  And so I drink my chocolate wine, celebrating another day of holding down the fort.  I truly believed after the Casi experience that my heart was dead, that I was now a heartless bastard.  I am not a particularly religious person, but my faith was in my heart, that it could take the beating of the whole world, and still, well, beat.  And what I’ve learned the last week is that, yes, it still does, even if I don’t think it can.  I surprise myself sometimes.


I think I need new shoes.

Work just destroys these things.  I think I’ve had them a year though.  Yes that is my foot sneaking in there.  No, they’re not hairy feet. 

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August 20, 2013

i work at a grocery store too… recieving always seems busy busy busy. i dont envy yall. chocolate wine… sounds like every woman’s dream in one convenient bottle. its those little things we take for granted in relationships that we end up missing the most. :/

August 20, 2013

Way to go, deciding not to give in to the stressful work environment! Family can be a difficult relationship to navigate, sometimes you have to stay with the traditional roles, other times it’s best to shake things up a little, see what happens. Maybe something better than expected? Spiked chocolate milk sounds strangely good. Try to keep an even keel with the drinking tho & never be sorry for

August 20, 2013

melodrama. Just another form of expression,that’s the reason for OD. I think we all want those same kinds of things. The b*tch of it is waiting for the right person to come along to share them with. Not sure what happened w/Casi, will go back to read. It’s downright shocking how a heart can still keep beating even after you’re SURE that it shouldn’t be. Um yeah, you might wanna go get new ones! 🙂

August 20, 2013

Well hello (almost) Neighbor LOL. Yes, I’m still not sure on which one I’ll choose yet tho I do need to decide SOON. Thanks for the advice! And if we were to run into each other sometime, you only wouldn’t know it immediately if you’d prefer me to NOT yell out, “OMG! It’s Jamesy85! Hi!” Otherwise, yeah I’d def say something. LOL

August 21, 2013

I totally know what you mean by no having anything to lose. The last weekend I saw him I was so miserable when I had to leave and go home because I wanted him to know so badly. Deep down I fell that things would had fallen into place if grad school hadn’t of ended. We still talk almost everyday. Maybe things will fall into place.

August 21, 2013

I walked away from a 4 year relationship about a year ago(which is not quite like a marriage.) It was broken and we weren’t happy. I miss the little things too like the cuddling and the comfort he used to bring me. I can relate. Must stay strong and move on.