Design Issues

This is sort of a rant but here goes..

If I see one more diary with red font on black background..

Or some depressing bullshit about people cutting themselves and hoping to find pity from anyone..

Or the 15 y.o. “goths” that write incredibly (boring) dark stuff about how life sucks and yet theyre in middle america with the close to perfect life..

Or better yet the anorexic girls who write *in detail* about their freaking daily food intake which is usually water and an apple (has to be under 1000 calories or else they’d be *gasp* eating healthy) and then go on to rant how they dont care what people tell them and how theyre completely healthy.. or that asshole friend of theirs that actually agrees and encourages them to continue their slow death sentence..

Or the incredibly sappy looking pink on pink text.. with the hearts.. and the animations *everywhere*. I like smileys and I like cool designs.. but some people dont know how to do it right..

And these are the diaries I cant stand looking at – the ones with NO contrast. Sure, medium blue on light gray is just *great* for the eyes.. or the incredibly light font on white..

The ones that kill me are the animated backgrounds or incredibly detailed backgrounds which make the text indecipherable..

You cant forget the ones with *bright* yellow font on neon pink backgrounds with neon green headings.. I dont think these people ever read their entries or else they’d be blind by now…

Log in to write a note

Well…actually…my diary fits into the ‘cool’ people diary should join!!! 😛 Love forever and today,

RYN: LOL..I’m joking..but i’m sure we could make one!! 😀

April 28, 2005

lol I agree with the bright on bright fonts and background. Makes me go WHOA!