A Month Left..

I should be insanely stressed right about now.  And I am. 

I have :
–  4 huge projects to finish for one course.
–  A big semester long project to help out with for another. 
–  2 large projects that I need to finish to clear the Incomplete from last semester.  

not only that but a final , which I know will be insanely hard, to
study for which is the first week of May and little additional
assignments along the way.  I so need to just sit down and get
through these. 

Today was SO gorgeous out though.  I promised myself last night
I’d get home by 4.30 and start work immediately but it was about 70
degrees out..  so I stayed out with my boyfriend and another
friend at the nearby park (Washington Square) and just hung about and
ate ice cream.  Good times.   Of course I got home
around 7.30 instead and I was so exhausted from the lack of sleep I’ve
had lately that I crashed til about 11.30..  which sucks because I
was wide awake but starving so I had dinner right away.   And
so its been about 3 or so hours since i got to my room and ‘started
working’ but I’ve been dazing out left and right.  What sucks even
more is that I have a full day tomorrow of stuff to do so I wont be
home til 6pm.. once again.  I hate this!

I really thought the interviewing process would be over by now but it’s
still going.  I have a final 2nd interview with one company
tomorrow and I have a few phone calls to make as well. 
*sigh*  it never freaking ends..  I hate this full time job
search.. it’s just so long and exhausting with just busy work. 
I’m hoping to have Friday to myself so I can just lock myself in the
library til I get lots of work done.  Let’s hope for the best…

It’s 4am and I’ve only managed to organize my files to start
working.  Better than nothing right?   :-  

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April 7, 2005

Don’t worry…school is almost out…or at least that is what I keep telling myself. Unfortuantly spring makes it so much harder to get anythign done! I mean dosen’t that sunshine know that I have things to do :). well, keep going and good luck on those assignments.

April 7, 2005

body butter is this great product that is sold at the body shop. it comes in many delicious flavours such as “nut” and “mango” and basically it’s just a really moisturizing cream! the only thing is that it’s about $20 for a fairly small container…..

April 9, 2005

RYN: Lol trust me I did! I wrote all the entries then transferred them when I got home 😀 See I’m just a little crazy!

April 9, 2005

Uggg, school, ick….. Well, you can do it!!! At least the semesters almost over