A Story

 I heard this story a very long time ago and whenever I’m going
through a bad time, I think of it and feel a little bettr (and it’s not
sappy.. so dont worry)

This guy was having troubles.  One after the other.   He
lost his job one day and was completely destroyed by it.  He had a
wife and kids to support and the bills were beginning to pour in. 
A few weeks went by.  He had applied to several jobs but they all
rejected him one after the other.  Two months went by and he
started getting notices from companies about his bills..  
finally one of the services it turned off.  His wife tells him its
okay, that he’ll find a job, that it’ll turn out alright and she’s not
worried.  But he doesnt believe her and feels like less of a man
for not being able to help his family and leaving it in the hands of
his wife.  So he keeps looking for work but no one had replied yet.

It had been 3 months already and he just couldnt take it anymore. 
Feeling helpless and useless, he started thinking of all the bills to
be paid, the look of disappointment on his family’s face.  He just
couldnt take it anymore so he bought a gun and ended his life one

That evening, the wife gets home from work and goes to the
mailbox.  She sees a letter for her husband and opens it
quickly.  It was a letter from a company asking him to start
Monday morning and she’s so excited and makes a big feast to celebrate
when he comes home..  Later that evening, a policeman shows up at
her door to tell her of her husband’s news.

Moral of t he story, just wait.  It does get better but you cant give up.

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April 2, 2005

you’re right.. that is a good story to remember when times are tough. thanks for the inspiration. i was just reading random entries and that came at just the right time 🙂

April 3, 2005

God. That story makes you feel better when you’re troubled? It had the opposite effect for me… man, that’s such a depressing thought… I mean, that probably happens all the time. Missing certain things by a simple twist of fate… and we never know it.

April 6, 2005

That’s a good story, if tragic. I wish you’d write more often.