Temei Nocse

This week has been ok .Some things good some things bad. The bad was mostly work, not a good week on the job, that always happens the week before vacation. (I’m off from 3/22 to 4/1).  My anniversary was this week. It was nice. We when out to casino to eat and gamble a little bit. I lost about 60 bucks playing blackjack. You can’t win all the time I guess. Then we went to the new Penthouse strip club the just opened about 2 weeks ago. It pretty nice place. Drinks are expensive. She was drinking Redbull and vodkas at 10 bucks a pop. I was drinking Cokes and that was 6 bucks for a soda. Lap dances are $25. We both got a few. It was a good night.

The ex Jill called to apologize for going thru my phone and getting upset. She says she knows we are not in a relationship and she has no right to get upset. Why do people look for things and get mad when it’s not result they wanted?  As Sipher says in the Matrix “Ignorance is bliss”.  What you don’t know can’t hurt you right? I should just stop going over there and leave her alone. Why don’t I take my own advice and stop sticking my hand in the fire? I really don’t know. C’est  la vie.

by the way, the title is latin for know yourself, I have it tatooed on my back.
Life is a Bitch, then you marry one, then you DIE.

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March 24, 2008

Sounds like you had a lot of fun… Glad to hear it. Well I’m Back in the town that I had no want to be in but not my choice. Do you beleive that some choices are taken away from us? Well I have to find another way to leave without my family being included. They were threatened.

March 25, 2008

well just how far up north do I have to get it?? We’re lucky we’re having weather as cold as it is down here..normally we’re already in the 90’s