No Strings Attached Sex

 I don’t know to do about the ex ‘J’. She is getting kinda needy now. She seems to call for any little thing now. I don’t mind helping folks out but enough is enough. First she want me to do her taxes which is ok I’ve been done them for her before. (I worked at HR Block for a little while so everybody in the world wants tax help or advice.) She wants me to come over on Saturday to help her fill out financial aid forms. (Her daughter should start college in September). Do I need to be doing this? If I go over there nothing will get done but the horizontal bed dance. Must I * bows head in shame* turn down sex? Maybe I should just take a hummer and be on my marry little way. I use to have this rule if you have sex with a female more than 3 times it’s a relationship no matter what she says. After this point there is no such thing as “no strings attached” sex. Females expect to you do things for them if you sleep with them a few times (Most not all). I really don’t want start up a relationship with her again. She should only be around for about 6 more months before moving out of state. But in relationship terms that’s a while. Oh the drama that is life.

Jessica called to apologize about her husband calling and making threats. Then she asked if I was going back to Florida for Labor Day this year. Isn’t that funny?  I don’t know where I’m going for my mancation this year. (I’d like to go to Cali to visit someone). My cousin wants to go back to Florida even though he moved away from there (Dumbass). I guess there’s still time to decide.

 Life is a Bitch, then you marry one, then you DIE.

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February 1, 2008

Why are you so against marriage?

February 1, 2008

oooooh! come do my taxes too! i think i owe a huge chunk of money to at least federal, because my last employer screwed me over on taxes =P hmm, i wonder who it is you would like to visit in california? your #9 perhaps? hehehe…