First AA Meeting

I went to my first  AA  meeting. It was not bad at all. I went to what was a beginners meeting. This where they explain what AA is all about and going over the 12 steps. This is a really good idea. The 12 steps is a really good idea. It will be some work but I think  I can do this. I also got a list of places where the full meetings are located. It did help the head of the meeting was kinda hot with a huge rack. She looked like Charlize Theron with glasses. I know that I need to change my living situation and everything. It wil be hard but no pain no gain.

 I have been feeling real funky lately.  It could be that I’m horny. More than 3 days without sex can be tough. ‘ J ‘ is not talking to me again and ‘ A ‘ is on the monthly thing. I can’t drive anywhere because of the restricted liscence ( only can drive to work, school, or court ordered shit till March) . If I do go anywhere I get the 2 hour speech on how I can’t afford to have no liscence (which is true) .

The new year did not bring anything good for the most part.  I did meet someone who is nice. Its the first time I can talk to a female and not have that line from the old 2 Live Crew song go through my head  " Ass down face up thats the way we like to fuck ". (Not that I would mind). It to bad shes 2000 miles away. I guess I can only work on 1 problem at a time.

Life is a Bitch, then you marry one, then you Die.



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January 13, 2008

Good luck with the AA 🙂 I’ve had many many friends go through the process of both AA and NA and they’re still on the right track. More than 3 days without sex is tough? Men are adorable.

January 13, 2008

everything is better when you have something/one to disctract you.

January 13, 2008

good luck with AA, like i said, it can be a support system, though i do know a few people who aren’t crazy for it. though, if the leader looked like charlize theron, i would keep going! heh.. “More than 3 days without sex can be tough” -haha, i can’t help but agree with you there! and for me, its been a lot more than three days =( it may not be a good year yet, but i hope it gets better for you!