What Relationship ??

Once again I’m feeling really depressed. I got the holiday blues bad. The crazy cop lady told me she has to break up with me. She is going back to her ex.

First things must really be bad if a stalker wants to leave me. Second I didn’t know we were in a relationship. So thats really bad. I really don’t know what to do to get out of this funky feeling.

It’s getting really hard to keep a positive attitude. I still got this DUI hanging over my head like a vulture over a corspe. I wanna run away from home, work,and life.

LIfe is a bitch, then you marry one, then you die.

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December 1, 2007

random noter: I feel ya with the running away thing… the marrying a bitch thing…not so much;)

December 1, 2007

“The crazy cop lady told me she has to break up with me.”; maybe her “relationships” are so screwed up, that she doesn’t know what a “real” relationship is anyway. oh well, that’s one less Christmas present that you have to buy now!

December 1, 2007

Well if you run away, I wanna come with ya…I am peeking my head out of the hole but not totally. I decorated all day today and found myself smile at times and almost cry other times….when does this all get better? We can do this. By the way my name is Lisa…we wrote enough that i thought to share that with you. Keep your chin up and I agree loss of the stalker mean one less gift to buy lol

December 2, 2007

Ok you just tell me when and I am there lol…It will eventually, this all can’t go on forever right?!? Thinking positive thats where it’s at!! Nice to meet you Wade.

December 3, 2007

I already have my handkerchief bundled and tied to my stick..wanna come along?