Some Good (Albeit, Expected) News

Just briefly….

I got engaged yesterday.  I’m stoked.  I could throw up a thousand emotes and type for a long time about how happy I am, but it wouldn’t do it justice.  So for now, I’ll just say this:  I’m deliriously happy. 

Anyways, I thought you’d all like to know.  I promised I’d let you know when it happened, and now I have.  Details on the planning, etc…to follow.

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October 31, 2005

Wooh whoo!! Congrats! -aurora

October 31, 2005

Ah! That’s fantastic! Congratulations a hundred times over! That’s awesome!

October 31, 2005

Congratulations!!! That is so exciting! I can’t wait to hear details (I’m a sucker for engagement stories. . .)

October 31, 2005

Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You know we can’t wait to hear the whole story of how you proposed, so you better not wait too long to fill us in :). Congratulations…old man ;). Funny thing is, you’re not any older than Dustin :)….maybe by minutes or hours.

October 31, 2005

Hey! Congratulations, Man! 🙂

October 31, 2005


November 2, 2005

Wait…you have a girlfriend? When did this happen:) Congrats to the two of you. The girl finally told me today when I bumped into her at work. She was seriously in danger of breaking the deal we had worked out. I’ll let you ask her about that.

November 2, 2005

*shrugs slightly* Maybe, or maybe all that I write is all there is to me. Which ever it is, I am what I am. Good and bad. Anyways, thank you as well. I don’t know what path I’m on, but I can’t help but consider turning around. -aurora

Congratulations! I hope you two will beblessewd with a long and happy life together, filled with a lot of joy and cheerful memories!

November 5, 2005

oh my word. How did I not see this entry earlier? I hadn’t realized you updated until I saw the note you left sunmaid. congratulations!!! as bridget jones would say, the wilderness years are over.

November 7, 2005

Wow, congrats. That is such a great thing! Have fun 😉