6 Hours

Well, my Greek exam is in 6 hours.  Surprisingly, I’m not freaking out that badly.  I’m not sure what the deal is, but I guess that I have just gotten to the point where I know what I know, and if I don’t, I’m out of luck anyways.  I’m going to head to the seminary as soon as I get some clothes out of the dryer and get my study on for a few hours until the exam, but I have to wait for a while for the clothes, so that leaves me with some spare time on my hands.

Who determines if someone is clever or not?  I’ve been wondering about that for the last little bit.  When I wrote my entries about taking risks and so forth, I hadn’t considered the need for caution very much.  Caution is kind of what I was forced to throw down.  I’m not about to take it back up unnecessarily, but I’m also not going to put on a “KICK ME” sign either.  To some extent, being too open is just asking for someone to wound you, and that’s just silly.  Where does that line get drawn?  I’m not sure that I know where.  (Not that that should surprise everyone.)

It was a strange weekend.  I spent too much time doing things other than studying.  That’s not necessarily bad.  But it’s not necessarily good either.  I’m not really anxious, and I’m not really calm.  I’m not really upset, but I’m not relaxed either.  I’m not sure if this is just because it’s finals week and I’ve got a big exam coming up or what, and I’m not even sure I dislike it.  Last night, I found myself in the best mood I’ve been in for probably 6 weeks.  I think a lot of it is tied to fact that I’m going to survive my first year of seminary, and that I’m excited for the summer, and then next year.  Whatever reason it is, I’m certainly not going to complain.

We had a Gospel quartet come to our church on Saturday night.  There were pretty good.  Talented men, there’s no question about that.  After that, my roommate and I watched a movie called Prime Gig, which featured about every actor who’s ever been ‘that guy.’  Lukas from Empire Records, Vince Vaughn, Ed Harris, Julia Ormond, Needlenose Ned from Groundhog Day, George Wendt, Vezzini from Princess Bride….a cast of thousands, seriously.  After that, I talked with some people.  My main man AMDiscJockey, and some folks online, and I went to sleep.

Sunday morning, I went to the men’s prayer breakfast, which is always a good time.  In addition to free food, it always ends up being a conversation about politics or sports.  As you might imagine those topics are right up my alley.  This past week, we were regailed with theories about the nature of the oil conspiracy in this country, and about the LA Dodgers.  Good times.  I even managed to keep my big yapper shut for most of the conversation, and when I did open my mouth, I didn’t make a fool out of myself as I often do when it comes to politics.  It was good.  Then I came home and took a brief nap and then headed down to Highlands Ranch to study with a friend from the Seminary.  We studied the Greek for a couple of hours, then I came home and did a bit more work, and talked with some people online some more.  I called my mommy (who is very excellent, of course), and played a couple of games before bed.  I hadn’t played any games in the last three weeks, so it was nice to get a little unplug time.  It was so nice, in fact, that I think I’m going to play another game before head to the seminary to study.

This week,  I have to get out some applications for substitute teaching jobs so that I can try to interview at the end of the summer.  We’ll see how that fits into my study and cleaning/packing plans.  At any rate, it’s going to be another busy week, but after today, the finals aren’t going to be the most difficult part, which is always nice.  I’m sure I’ll be back throughout the week to keep you all posted.  Blessings.

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