No Kidding.

ALTERNATIVE TITLE:  Things Found in my Fortune Cookies of Late.

Mood:  Nearly Unconscious

Music:  Cover Me, Bebo Norman

I’m now going to start this entry with my last three fortunes from my last three oriental meals.  You’re not going to believe this.  I’m not even going to comment on them other than to post them here.  The more perceptive of you will be able to quickly discern how I feel about them.

Fortune #1:  “You are a fun loving person and will find much happiness”

Fortune #2:  “An admirer is too shy to greet you”

Fortune #3:  “Your financial picture will change for the better”

Who writes this stuff?  I mean seriously?  It makes me wonder who writes the bad fortunes.  You can just imagine walking into a restaurant just in time to watch someone go nuclear when they get the “Your spouse has been cheating on your for 5 years” fortune.  Still, it’s more than a little eerie that these are the fortunes I picked up this week.

And besides, who came up with the idea to put a fortune in a freaking cookie?  Who was the Einstein who thought this up?  Was it an accident the first time?  Like someone was trying to be clever and send a message without having to be there?  I need answers to this cookie caper.

Anywhodiddlydo, I’m going to play poker tonight.  Most nights, I’d be concerned about keeping eyes on my stacks, taking care of the assets, but for some reason, today, I just don’t feel like caring about it.  If I lose, I lose.  I’m going to play tonight.  I’m going to play like it was someone else’s money.

In regards to the title of one of my previous entries, I am a glutton for punishment.  Never doubt it.  Not even for a second.  That’s the only way to describe my kind of insanity.  Doing something you know is going to cause you hurt and pain in the long run, and doing it anyways.  I’m not insane, I think I just like being in emotional distress.  I’m like an emotional masochist.  It’s the only explanation I can come up with.  Of course, there’s always hope, but I’m not going to claim to be an optimist.

I had my meeting today, and told the collected group of mentors in front of me way more information than I’d planned to.  I didn’t even plan to think consciously myself about some of the stuff I said out loud at this meeting.  Ah well, such is life.  When you’re dealing with pride issues, there’s no subtle way around it.  Sometimes the quickest way home is the long way around, and other times, it’s straight through all the craptacularity.  Either way, I’m ready for the storm.  Bring it on.

I’m going to go get some stuff for our service project tomorrow.  It was nearly 80 in Denver today, and tomorrow, we’re going down to some of the local bus stops and giving away water bottles.  Hopefully, it will brighten a few people’s days.  Who knows.  At any rate, it’s better than wasting my time on myself.  Have a good weekend folks.  It’s been a relaxing, enjoyable spring break.  Blessings.


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