My Top 10 HS Memories.

This one’s going out to my main man AMDiscJockey, over at 99.9 WJVL, the Best Country Mix.


I’m still putting off writing my paper.  Maybe this will get the gears turning, get me ready to go.

I’ll try to put these in chronological order as best I can.  It might take a bit.

1.  Going to the state basketball tourney freshman year.  Driving up to the UW Fieldhouse, getting ready to play.  That was the best Craig team we had during my four years there.  We had the outside game, we had the inside game.  We had the Jr/Sr. Pom squad, which might never be topped.  Ahh, the benefits of being a 15 year old boy.  This is clearly the highlight of a freshman year that featured nothing exciting of any kind.

2. I’m not sure if this counts, because it happened during the summer, but between freshman and sophomore years, I went backpacking in the Rockies.  I found out stuff about myself they don’t teach you in the manual.  It was awesome.  The sense of accomplishment I had when I completed that 63 mile trek was unlike anything I’d ever experienced before, and anything I’ve experienced since.  That experience made me who I am.

3.  Sophomore year, getting my license was cool.  The night I got my license, I was alone in the car for all of 10 minutes, on the way to picking up my friend, before I turned down a one way street and almost got myself killed.  That night, we thought we were the coolest people ever, because we went to Walmart.  Then we went to the J-town mall.  How sad.  *shakes head*

4.  I remember deciding to chase my first serious girlfriend after sophomore year.  I was so proud of myself when I finally got up the nerve to ask her out and she said yes.  Of course, all of that pride came tumbling down later when she told me she was the one who’d planted the idea in my head for me to chase her to begin with, and it really stung later when she dumped me at prom and then told me she never really cared for me at all, but hey, I was 16/17.  What can you do?  It was fun while it lasted, and I learned about the dangers of late night telephone conversations while you’re lying in bed.  One night, we’re talking at like 11PM, and I fall asleep, right in the middle of our conversation.  I woke up to the dial tone.  (HAHAHAHAHA……)  She didn’t think it was that funny.  But it amused the heck out of me.

5. Junior year, track was awesome.  I was a big believer.  That was the year that I finished sixth in the open 100 at the conference meet, and I’m all dejected because only the top 5 get medals.  So I miss out on a medal.  Sucky.  I walk back to where we’re sitting in the stands and Tommy MacD screams out, “You’re the fastest white guy in the Big 8 Conference!!!”  We all laughed.  The title followed me for the rest of my high school career, despite my many and numerous attempts to have it stop.  That same year at conference, the 4X100 relay team I was a part of got a medal, so I guess that made it ok.  We even went to regionals.  It was pretty exciting–that whole year.

(continued, next entry)

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