A Brief Update

And once again, I come from you live from Carey Memorial Library, from the beautiful campus of Denver Seminary, only now in real time.

I just got done with my OT midterm.  I dominated.  My grades on the other exams and whatnot have been alright in this class, so I guess I shouldn’t have expected it to go too differently.  At any rate, I might be able to get an A in this class, depending on my paper and the final.  Go me.  *shakes head*

I figure I’m about 20% done with the work I need to have done this week.  I’ve got this midterm knocked out now, and I can focus my energy on my big paper and my midterm coming up Thursday.  Tomorrow is going to be the day where the work gets done on the paper.  I plan on writing the entire thing tomorrow, and then briefly going back over it on Thursday before I turn it in.  If I manage to accomplish that, it will leave me Thursday to study for my other midterm, and read the book I have to read to write the paper due on Friday morning, which is substantially, I discovered, the midterm.  (On an unrelated note, has any of you read a book called, “The Tipping Point” ?  Ah well.  By the end of tonight, I want to be a third done with the substantial part of the work that will be due.  We’ll see how that works.  I think I’m going to make it.  I can do this.

Since when did I start doing requests?  If I hadn’t already been planning an entry on my top ten High School memories, I might not write one now.  I hate pandering to the desires of the fickle crowd.

If you’re reading this and wondering how I’m dealing with the other issues in my life right now (feeling like I’m being stalked, relationship issues, trying to get my head back on straight), I’m here to tell you that I’m not.  I’m just not dealing with that stuff right now.  I don’t have the time or the energy. I’ll save that stuff for next week, when I have nothing to do but read books for leisure (what a novel concept), get a job, and watch the NCAA tournament on CBS.  That’s pretty much it.  I need to register to vote, and get my car license changed over too, but I’m not exactly in a hurry to do that.  It can wait. 

I have the distinct feeling like I’m going to have a lot of letters and emails to write, and a lot of phone calls to make next week.  Here’s hoping the situations don’t change fundamentally between now and then.  This was a judgement call I just had to make.  I couldn’t take it all.  You’ve got to get off the sinking ship before you can worry about what you’re going to do when you get back ashore.  That’s all I’m saying.

I formally accepted my summer internship today, so that means I’ll be back around the old stomping grounds this summer.  I’m sort of apprehensive about that, suddenly.  It strikes me that things might be a little strange around the office, if what I think has happened has actually happened.  Well, I can’t do much about it now.  Such is life.  I’ll have to deal with it, and rely on the knowledge that people have of me.  I don’t ever attempt to do the wrong thing.  In this particular instance, I’ve worked really, really hard at trying to do the right thing.  Let’s hope my future co-workers and friends will see it the same way.  Enough of that, it’s moving dangerously close to thinking about it again.  I’m going back to class to learn about the book of Isaiah.  And I don’t mind telling you, I’m more than just a little excited about that.  I might write again when I get home.  It’s too early to tell.

I’m thirsty.  Car bomb, anyone?  I’m telling you, the Irish…they do it right.  That’s all I’m saying.

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