Circling the Wagons.

Hello, everyone.

It’s been a long, long week.  And I’ve got a longer one coming.  This week was the dreaded Greek midterm.  The test went ok.  There was some difficult stuff on the test that even studying for, I just wasn’t prepared to do well on.  It’s true that I’ve caught up somewhat with the learning curve on the language, but even so, that isn’t to say I’ve covered the entire distance.  Greek is still difficult, don’t let me convince you otherwise.  I studied for probably somewhere in the 7-8 hour range for this test, which is way more than I’ve studied for anything, and if I get an 80%, I’ll be happy.  My average this semester on the quizzes to this point has been somewhere in the mid-80’s.  I should be ok, even if I over estimated how this one went.  I’ll find out soon enough I guess. I’m excited to start doing translating.  I started working on 1 John tonight.  It’s still a pretty tough thing to do, parsing all the words and stuff, but it’s interesting.

Next week is going to be rough.  I’ve already whined about all the work that’s coming up next week, so I’m not going to put you all through that rigamarole again.  Let’s just this and leave it at that:  It’s going to be a long, hard week.

Spring break is still going to be awesome, if I can keep myself occupied or sleep the entire time.  I’ve got so much stuff going around my head, that if I’m not engaged in something full on, I’d be crazy right now.  Self-torture, self-degradation and the like are not fun when you spend as much time alone as I do.  I am going to hit all the temp-agencies in town to see if I can drum up some work for myself before I go back to WI for the summer.

Speaking of that, I talked to my internship supervisor this week, and I’m stoked for what is coming this summer, in terms of the work I have to do.  I’ll be doing all kinds of cool stuff.  I’m excited.  Now if I can avoid making a mess for myself to walk back into at home, that would be outstanding.  Good luck.  I seem to have a penchant for destroying things that should never have been in danger to begin with.  This self-destructive emotional bend I seem to have is going to get me in trouble one of these days, and it will be a day soon, from the looks of it.

Remember the target on my back that I felt when I went home?  It’s found me here in Colorado.  I feel like Frodo carrying the Ring through Mordor.  I just want it to be over.  Let the bombs fall all around me.  I’m ready for the reckoning, and some freaking closure.  It’s like the slow march to the guillotine:  you know it’s coming, but you get paraded around the block, for a while as the crowd cheers, and then they make this big production as they strap you in, and then you lay there, just waiting for the blade to fall. 

I need a break, in the worst way.  I want to just move away and start everything over.  I hate the messes I make.  At least there is some hope–most of the potential job possibilities I’ll have out of Sem require moving to where there is no one familiar.  That could be an advantage I”ll be glad of in a couple of years.  JD Salinger, here I come. 

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