
I had another dream last night.  I got found out, and it wasn’t all that bad. In fact, quite the opposite was true.

I slept in late today.  When the dream is going well, you turn the alarm off, and you go back to happyland.

I did my taxes, and it looks like Uncle Sam owes me a pretty good chunk of money.  I can’t tell you how thrilled that makes me.

I would have liked to have been at some of the after-Oscar parties last night, and listened to the Hollywood snobs freak out about one another.  Also, hot chicks are hot.

I’ve again made the mistake of having caffeine after 10 PM.  I hate when that happens.  You try to go to sleep, and you lay there, and you’re trying to be still, but you can’t stop tapping your hand, or moving your feet.  And the music that is supposed to be lulling you into peaceful repose is no help, because it keeps your mind active even longer.  I didn’t even try to make a pass at 30 minute rule tonight.  It’d be a half an hour of my life I can never get back.

Sometimes, you just have jump off the cliff as a way of throwing your hands up and letting something other than your fear guide you.  When you jump off the cliff, an entire new kind of fear grips you.  It’s worth the experience.

I still don’t have a job.  And quite frankly, I could get used to just concentrating on my studies.  I like being ahead of schedule on my work.  I actually started a paper that isn’t due for another two weeks.  This is unprecedented.

Chipotle Burritos.  They are one of the main reasons Colorado is the greatest state in the Union.  Kobe ruined one of the others–I’ll never look at Vail the same.  I thought it was filled with stuck up rich people who thought they could have everything their way….wait a second…

The Denver Broncos are idiots.  They’re going to trade away Portis.  The guy was their offense last year.  At least they still have Jake Plummer.  It’s a good time to be a Colts fan.

I’m starting to get annoyed with how greedy the internet is getting.  There used to be all these free services…now everything costs.  I hate that.  Fantasy baseball at Sandbox was the highlight of my year.

The previous statement is only a brief overstatement.

It looks like I might be heading back to my old stomping grounds for the summer.  I have mixed feelings about this, for reasons that should (mostly) be obvious to you.  I have the terrible feeling that the messes I’ve made since I’ve been in Colorado aren’t going to clean themselves up.

If I have one more person talk to me about being single and encouraging me to take risks and be in relationships, going after the people who I wish to pursue, I am just gonna snap.  Like I don’t know what I have to do and when I have to do it?

Life is plicomcated.  This cannot and willnot be argued.

The popcorn you’re eating has been….oh, never mind.

Odd people are odd.

Expect more news from me in the near future about Biblical criticism.

Expect less news from me in the near future about my relationship situations.

Expect nothing from me in general, because I suck again.

I find nothing more amusing then when a friend hooks up with someone, and starts doing all the stuff they said they’d never do when they were single.  If you’re reading this, you all know who you are.  You give me unequalled amusement.

I can’t tell you how disappointed I am about the relative calmness of the Oscars last night.  Now I have nothing to freak out about.  Whatever will I do?

The Transformers was the greatest cartoon of my generation.

CS Lewis was a genius.  I think everyone should read his stuff before they’re allowed to comment on Christian doctrine.  Good luck making that happen.  Oh well.

I’m going to go read books for school now.  Have a pleasant night, everyone.


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