No Where To Run, No Where To Hide.

(continued from last entry)

The dream starts, and I’m at the camp I always talk about.  I’m under the big oak tree, just getting my relaxation schwerve on.  It’s pleasant, the sun is shining, the breeze is blowing.  Quite frankly, I like the direction the dream is going.  Everything is sunny, and happy, and pure ecstasy. 

All of a sudden, cars start showing up at the camp, one at a time, slowly, as though they’ve all been summoned by someone.  The people don’t see me standing where I am, they just get out of their cars, one at a time, and walk into a big lodge at the camp.  I figure that’s a bit odd, but I’m comfortable, and I’m doing my thing.  I wasn’t invited to the meeting, so I keep on getting my outdoor relaxation groove on.  Pretty soon, I realize something about the cars that are showing up:  they are all people who know my secret.  In my dreams, I’m apparently not nearly as suspicious as I am in real life, because it doesn’t seem to phase me. I explain it away.  I lay down, and I’m watching the wind blow through the trees, moving the leaves as I go.  Again, peaceful.  Then, all of a sudden, another car comes down the road.  I know the car, and the person inside the car.  They don’t know my secret.  I don’t particularly want them to know my secret.  After them, is a whole parade of other people who I don’t really want to know my secret.  Now just relaxing outside isn’t going to be an option.   People are going to be needing places to park.  I’m going to have to move.  So, I do what any self respecting person would do, I move.  I head back to the cross on the hill, away from where people will need to be parking.  I hear the car doors slam, and assume people are heading into the building.  I sit up at the top of the hill, again peaceful and not suspecting anything, and I fall asleep. 

Next thing I know, I’m like the third person omniscient narrator in a story.  And I’m watching what’s going on inside the camp’s main building from up near the ceiling.  The people are all talking about me.  The people who don’t know my secret are in the audience.  The ten people who do are giving small pieces of it away.  Finally the person who led the procession of those who don’t know my secret stands up, and walks, in turn, to every person who knows.  The person careful logs what everyone is saying, and then leaves the building and goes and sits on the front porch, alone.  Silence is in the buildling.  And then, it fades to black.

I wake up, and I’m still on the hill.  Some time is passed, but I have no idea how long it’s been.  I walk back up the building, and enter the building.  At the exact same moment, the person who’s been on the porch walks in the other door.  Everyone stands at the same time and points at me.  They are speechless.  The realization of what’s just happen hits me like a lightening bolt, and I turn and run as fast as my legs will carry me.  I run into the woods, frantic, like a frightened animal.  I am desperately seeking a place to hide.  The problem is, there are so many people, it’s only a matter of time before they find me and drag me back to the building.  I decide the only way out is to leave the camp property.  I’ll have a long walk home without my car, but perhaps if I can get out of the camp property, I’ll be able to find a better hiding place to sit it out, and I can go back for my car later.  My head is racing:  who told?  why?  what happens now?  I get to the edge of the property, running through a little glen, and in front of me stands the terrible symbol of closure:  A brick wall about fifty feet high, and who knows how thick.  There is no door.  There is no escape.  There is only about 200 people behind me, and no way out.  I turn back, now certain I’ll be captured.  I run to the creek, and see if there is a way under the wall by way of the creek. I splash, fighting the resistance of the water.  I get to the edge of the property, and the same wall is there, with a portcullis I can’t get through.  I am trapped.  I elude people, trying to get back to the only entrance and exit to the camp that’s available for vehicles.  Surely there must be a gate there.  I make my way back, only to discover that the ten people who know my secret guard it, with the person who can’t know standing right in front of them.  At the moment I see this, there are hands on me, and I’m caught.  I start, horrified, and then I wake up.

This, my friends, is the danger is letting our soul seep out after not dealing with things.  Consider this a cautionary tale.

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