Meaty Dinners and a Maternity Pillow

….I picked up my lil’ pillow from the "Walmarts" yesterday and I could not wait to get home and sleep on it! 
As a matter of fact, I was in bed by 8:00pm counting down the minutes til I could get some very much needed sleep!

(Me doing the "PAIN FACE" lol) Oh God, please excuse me, I have looked like a hott mess for the past 4 months, and will probably look a hott mess for the next 5 months too!

I even thought, "Forget dinner tonight, we are going out!"

But… When I got home my husband was out working in the rain fixing some part of the house that he had been meaning to get to before it started pouring and couldn’t til he got home.

He came inside and looked like a little wet puppy and I felt so bad for him, (I want to cry right now just thinking about it, what’s wrong with me?) and he politely asked me what we were having for supper…

The menu said FLAUTAS DE FRIJOLES, which are my absolute FAVE but I know he really doesn’t like them all that much…
I put them on the menu because I feel like,


But the rain dripping down his face, the soaking wet jacket  and the muddy bottom of his pants convinced me that my manly man needed a nice meaty dinner for all his hard work for which I seldom show any appreciation…

So I told him I would make him Chicken Fried Steak with his favorite Restaurant Style Mashed Potatoes.

He was happy. And so I was I because I was pretty much finished within an hour, I think I must be getting better at multitasking while in the kitchen, and I guess with improv dinners too!

It’s a pain in the ass, not only do you get in there and slave in the kitchen, but you have to actually THINK about stuff…
Like, okay I need to probably bake the bacon first- then boil my water for my potatoes. Then while they are cooking,  I can go ahead and get started on the CFS, and then keep them warm in the oven until everything else is ready. Yayyyy!

Dinner was a success, I took a shower and got ready for bed.

My husband help me manouver the huge pillow into all its potential positions… I liked a few of them better than others, but the honest truth, I wish I could just sleep on my stomach or my back again… Until then, sleeping will be BETTER, but not the BEST.

(Maybe I should just get used to it, since they say I won’t be getting much sleep now that I’m going to be a mother anyway…)

Anywho, I tried one of the pillow positions last night, and will probably try one of the others tonight as I was not so comfortable last night, but I honestly had a lot less trouble falling asleep.

The pillow takes up alot of room on the bed… Before I figured out how to upload my phone pics to photobucket this morning, I did a little quick doodle to show you:

Please Observe:

Exhibit A: This is me, I wish I could tell you that I look a little bit more glamorous than that before bedtime but I would be lying..
This picture actually doesn’t do my UGLYNESS justice, as I am alot uglier in real life! I tried to be as detailed as possible though, that really DOES look like one of the getups I wear to sleep…AND I really DO sniff my armpits to make sure I put on deoderant before bed.
(See I care about my husband, I am not an DISGUSTING ANIMAL after all…) 

Exhibit B: This is what my pillow looks like on the bed. It’s HUGE and confusing… All night long I was like, "Where does my leg go again?"

Exhibit C: This is my husband, all covered up and probably upset that my pillow is taking up so much room, and that NOW there is a barrier between us, so he can’t pull anymore  "Middle of the night stunts…"

I love my husband.

Anyway, wish me luck tonight!






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January 9, 2013

Random Noter: good luck with that pillow! I didn’t have one myself but I did miss sleeping on my stomach when I was pregnant with my daughter. 🙂

January 9, 2013

I can’t wait to get my maternity pillow! I hope it relieved some backache for you!

HAHA, I LOVE the doodle exhibit! I’m seriously laughing over here, that’s awesome! xD I still need to work on keeping stuff warm after I make it while I’m making other stuff. For some ungodly reason, the thought of popping it into the oven and keeping it warm never occurred to me. O_o I will be trying that next time! 😀 Love the pic, you’re so funny, have a great day!

January 12, 2013

Have you seen “The Back-up Plan” with Jennifer Lopez in it? Haha, the guys are complaining about the maternity pillow and one guy says “My wife even drew eyes on her pillow!” lol RYN: I wish I liked coffee. haha