Precious Moments

I meant to start keeping a diary to document my first pregnancy, but the honest truth is that it’s just wayyy too exciting to document every single thing because we are busy getting stuff prepared for his/her arrival.

Some memorable moments I will never forget:

1. The 100385th time I took a pregnancy test (just for the heck of it at lunch time) and it read positive.

2. Announcing the pregnancy to my in-laws.


3. My first Dr. Appointment to confirm pregnancy.
4. The first sonogram, where  we saw the little pea and heard his/her heart beat…

5. My first ever OB/GYN exam… Yikes!

6. Baby’s first Christmas gift… My mother in law just had to get the baby something too

I  felt the baby move for the very first time this past Sunday January 6th.  I don’t really think it was the first time I felt it move, but I guess this is just the first time I knew FOR SURE this is what it was. I felt it about 6-8 times throughout the day, especially when I felt the most relaxed, like when I took a break from cleaning and when I was in the shower. I have felt it again for the past two days, but since I am at work I only feel it randomly and not as much, I guess because my mind is preoccupied…

They’re supposed to schedule my sonogram at my next Dr. Appointment, which is exciting. Maybe we will get to see if we are having a boy or a girl. With OUR LUCK, the baby will most likely not cooperate and we will have a big surprise on that date.

Everyone asks if we want a boy or a girl.

Honestly I don’t have a preference because I would like to have a boy and a girl eventually.

Maybe if I have a boy first ,the next time I will be hoping for a girl… But I seriously don’t care what it will be, as long as we share the same love of cheese and other stinky foods like Ranch dressing and Sour Cream… (According to my husband)

That way I can make my favorite meals more often since 2 out of 3 people will eat them! lol

Anyway, hoping to upload some pics soon. My cell phone has replaced my camera, only because it’s more convenient and always charged, so I need to figure out a way to upload pics from the cell…

More thoughts later.









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Awww, how wonderful! When is your baby due? Praying for a safe and healthy pregnancy! 😀 Oh, and hey, apparently, we’re from the same town, LOL!!