I’ve been the king, I’ve been the clown..

It’s been a while since I’ve written an entry. Guess I should update my few followers on how things are going. And hello to any random front page passerby’s as well – good to have ya.

Things are going up and down. School starts on Wednesday, but I’m not sure if I’ll be able to. My financial aid information is taking a really long time to process, and on top of that I’ve learned I need a student loan to get approved. I also need to find time somewhere to pick up my books. It’s all well and good, aside from the extremely small time window. Worse case scenario is that I end up having to wait till March for the spring semester…

Lately, I’ve felt more alone than ever. A lot of the people I’ve used to talk to, or was close to no longer speak to me. Either because they choose not to or because they’re busy with their own lives. It’s rather disheartening, but I’m trying to learn to live with it. Not much I can do otherwise, right?

As far as poems go, I’ve had some ideas kicking around here and there, so there should be some new stuff up soon hopefully. I’m also planning on attempting NaNoWriMo. Yes, again. Wish me luck with that!

I guess that’s all for right now. I’ll keep you guys posted on how stuff goes. Thanks for reading.


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August 23, 2013

I was glad to see through Facebook that you’re going to school now 😀 What classes are you taking? It’s gotta be tough handling all of this without either of your parents around, but you’re doing well!