
I dunno if this counts as my April 11th poem or not, but I wrote it, so on OD it goes. What do you guys think?

I have many memories.
 These walls are filled with an endless supply.
 I’ve chained them together with the strings of my heart.
I’ve protected them from the darkness that claws at us.
My dearest, most precious..
The last pillars of light left in me.
All I have, and ever will.
"But what of us, who have nothing left to cling to? My walls are blank.
Their photographs have long since fallen into a cold oblivion.
If they represent us, and our hearts..and they’re gone..then, what are we?"
Do not be afraid.
There is always a light in your heart that is never extinguished.
You may teeter on the edge of nothing, but you’ve still got one last lifeline.
It’s just that sometimes,
you have to dig deeper to find it.
To the heart…
And then, what would become of them? Those memories you held so dear.
The sands of time continue to fall.
They’re all just stories in the end.
Waiting to be read.
Waiting to be remembered.

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