NaPo 04-10-2012

The sun’s finally up.

It’s over.

We don’t have to fight anymore.

Even though this is goodbye,

You’ll never forget the memories we shared.

From the most distant stars,

To the endless reaches of time.

We both knew it had to end this way.

A lonely god,

must always be lonely.

For if he wasn’t,

What would become of us all?

He’s like ice, and fire, and rage.

 He’s like the night and the storm in the heart of the sun.

He burns at the center of time,

and can see the turn of the universe.

He’s ancient and forever.


He’s just a story.

Created from the voice of a world’s anguish.

And when it is extinguished

So is he.

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April 10, 2012

Very true.