NaNoWrimo Day 5.5

Today was tiring and I didn’t get to start writing till 8 PM. I found myself falling asleep as I tried to write, so I only wrote half the entry this time. Sorry – I’ll get the other half tomorrow.

The air in the National
Investigations Bureau was tense, and stuffy. It was filled with lots
of important-looking people doing important-looking things that
nobody really understood. As the four friends walked through the drab
and bleak corridors, they often felt like campers in the woods would
feel – lost, nervous, and hungry. Speaking of hunger, the fact that
they were walking through a room full of the aforementioned
important-looking people doing important-looking work, made it an
opportune time for Ronia to declare: “Gaaah, this is so boring!
Can’t we go find the cafeteria?” Which was appropriately responded
to with glares from the now annoyed-important-looking people.

“No, we’re in a
government building! I told you that you should have eaten before we
left.” Responded Grace, and Luke chuckled. Not at Grace’s response,
but at the face Ronia made afterwards. It was somewhere between puppy
dog eyes and comical sadness. She turned to him suddenly. “And
what’re you two giggling at?” she said, with the same expression on
her face, making him laugh even harder. Luke was about to answer with
something witty, but a tall, important-looking man in a black suit
approached them, looking irritated.”This is a professional
establishment. If you’ve got no business here, then I must please ask
you to leave us in peace” he said. Without a word further, they
smiled and left the room hastily.

Once they were back in the
area where talking seemed to be allowed again, Evelyn decided that
she wanted a word with Ronia. “Could you please behave yourself?
Even just for a small moment? It was tough enough getting us in here.
I don’t want to be thrown out.” Ronia just smiled. “Yeah, all
right. But seriously, can we find something to eat? I am hungrar.”
Something interesting to note was that Ronia never lied. Ever. Not
even in a fancy government buildings, did she refrain from saying
things that other people might find..just a tad bit odd. Ronia
brushed it all off though. She just didn’t care, and that was
something Luke admired her for. He himself had low self confidence,
and would often worry what people thought of him. He was proud to be
friends with somebody who hadn’t fallen victim to those silly fears.

“Oh fine. Here…”
Luke said to her with a smile, and reached into his pocket, pulling
out a bag of biscuit wafers. “I was saving these for later, but you
can have them.” Her eyes lit up as she hungrily snatched the bag
from him. She said something along the lines of “Thank you thank
you Luke!” followed by loud, munching sounds. Grace cut in shortly
after. “Now that we’re all satisfied, can somebody remind me what
we’ve here for? I feel like we’ve been wandering for ages without any
real idea.” Ronia and Evelyn both were silent. Luke however, gave
an unusually enthusiastic response: “We’re here get to the bottom
of what happened in Egypt. There’s always things that they don’t tell
the media. So why not go looking for it ourselves? We have to find
wherever it is that they keep their special investigation files.
There’s gotta be something worth reading there.” Evelyn tilted her
head. “But, how do you expect us to get in there? It’s most likely
to be in the Classifed Files section, and you need more than just an
access pass to get through that door.” Luke gave her a sly smile.
“That’s easy. We’re not going through a door. We’re going above


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November 10, 2011

You need to post a poem soon. Every poem you ever post has some kind of significance to what I’m going through.

November 11, 2011

^I just wanted to reply to the above note: It’s because they’re so vague! He never tells anyone what they’re about..

November 11, 2011

By the way, why have you stopped writing??

November 13, 2011

The running joke is that they’re about nothing.