NaNoWriMo Day 4


It was a bright and sunny
day as Ronia and Luke approached the polished marble giant that was
the National Museum of Egyptian History. They turned and took in the
breathtaking landscape around them. The museum wasn’t put just
anywhere – it was built on the highest mountain in the country,
which builders had shaved and flattened out to provide an even and
beautiful terrain. After climbing a long series of steps (or taking a
lift for those who didn’t want to walk), Patrons could look out at
the entirety of creation. All the buildings and trees and structures
that stretched on for miles. The museum itself, was built in what
most called the “Resting Archway.” The main hall was laid going
from side to side, and the East and West exhibit halls were built
like arms extending from the Main Hall. In the centre of the pavilion
that the museum rested on, was a massive compass rose, it’s elegant
arms pointing to four different flower beds – Blue Tulips, Red
Roses, Yellow Daisies, and White Lilies.

People gathered around and
stared at the wondrous sights. Luke and Ronia were approaching the
large crimson doors when they noticed something odd. There was a
plaque mounted onto the door that they’d never seen before. It read:
In memory of those who were lost in the April 1987 Bombings of
Egypt, here this plaque sits – forever more
. “How sad…”
Luke said quietly as they entered. Inside wasn’t lacking in
magnificence either. Everything was brightly polished, and the layout
of the interior was atheistic and fresh. In the middle of the room,
was a large circular secretary’s desk, with accompanying secretary.
She was at this moment, answering a question to a young women. There
were signs pointing to the left and right that directed patrons to
the two different exhibit halls. The East hall was labelled
“Education” and was mainly for academic related studies. The West
hall, was labelled “Research and Mythology”, and was where Luke
wanted to go, although Ronia was feeling less compliant.

“Luke…where are we
going?” She asked, tugging her arm, trying to free it from Luke’s
grasp. He turned to her. “I don’t know what’s happening in Egypt,
but that man on the news said that he was worried about having
angered their sun god, and that steel box is just too suspicious. I
want to see what we can find out about Ra the Sun God.” Ronia
continued, seeing no reason to protest further. They reached the end
of the hallway, where there was a large square archway with a sign
that said “Research and Mythology Section”. Past it, was a
velvety red rug, several computer terminals, many square wooden
tables, and lots and lots of bookcases, filled to the brim with
everything one could want to know about Egyptian Mythology. “All
right, let’s split up. You go search that side of the books, and I’ll
search this side. Report back here with anything that might be of
interest.” He said again to Ronia, pointing left and right. She
nodded, and without a word, went to it.

Several hours passed. They
each presented to each other little bits of information such as who
Ra was, and what he did, and what he meant to the people. But nothing
very helpful came up, at least, not until Luke found a dusty old book
titled “Ancient Lore of Egypt.” He opened it to the Table of
Contents and saw that it had an introduction, and then went on to
separate chapters about many of the major Egyptian gods. “Hey
Ronia, I’ve found something!” He said calling, and turning to the
introduction. It read: “Dear reader. Within these pages you’ll find
the answers that you may or, may not be looking for. The myths and
stories of the Egyptian gods have been retold throughout the
centuries, and it’s time I brought the truths about these strange and
wondrous beings to light. The gods have been known for both peace and
harmony, and chaos with just a touch of destruction. But in their
wake, we as scientists and archaeologists can uncover the dirt and
pick up the pieces to a much large puzzle. I do hope this novel will
be of some use to you. Warm regards – M.M.”

Luke could only guess that
“M.M.” was the author, and it ran through his mind why an author
would only list their initials. “Hey, what didja’ find?” said
Ronia, waving and approaching him. “Something interesting.” Luke
responded with a small smile. “Lets sit down, I think this is worth
checking out.” They sat at a nearby wooden table in the corner,
where Luke promptly flipped to the chapter about Ra.

“Where does your
allegiance lie?” The top paragraph began. “Is it with Kings and
Queens? Is it a bold, fearless leader who has a voice like lightning?
Perhaps you’re simplistic, and the only one you answer to, is a nice
bowl of curry. Whatever it may be, it couldn’t be parallel to the
mighty Egyptian gods. Those who commanded the forces of nature
itself. Although – there is one god who stands out from the rest:
Ra. The ancient protector of light. Creator of life, the giver of
hope, and harmony. Because the sun was always in the sky, and that it
controlled the land itself, The ancient Egyptians believed that it
was not just a ball of light in the sky – but a powerful deity.
Often, the people would hold prayer sessions in Ra’s name, hoping for
a fruitful harvesting season, among other things. Ra is closely
related to another deity – Atum. Atum’s importance in Egyptian
history rivals Ra’s, as Atum is credited with being the creator of
all life. Because Ra also brought forth life, his name eventually
became Atum-Ra, and ancient hieroglyphs reflect this. The portraits
of Atum-Ra contrast very minimally from the ones just of Atum. They
depict him the head of a falcon, and a sun disk floating above his
head. Tales of Atum-Ra soar through the pages of history, telling
tales of his greatness, and his wrath.

It is often said in the
scrolls of doomsayers, that if Ra is angered, then the sky will be
thrown into an endless darkness, and “all the land will burn…”
Luke read the last few words aloud. He looked up at Ronia, who had a
disturbed look on her face. Luke couldn’t help but mirror it.
Suddenly, there happened to be a very cold, and ominous feeling in
the room, and they were searching each others eyes for answers. They
found none, and instead, rushed out of the museum – home bound.


“What? Wait, slow down.”
said Evelyn, sitting in a recliner with a hot cup of tea. They were
at Evelyn’s house this time – the place where she’d allowed Luke
and Ronia to stay while they were in town. They’d rushed in, and told
her about what they’d found, and how it could possibly relate to the
bombings. “It’s true! We found a book that described almost exactly
what had h

appened in Egypt!” Luke said, his words dripping with
excitement. She turned to Ronia to make sure it wasn’t all just a
coincidence. “It’s really true. I mean, I was sceptical at first
too, but…” She stopped, thinking. “…What if, it..isn’t just a
coincidence.” She finished, much more softly. Evie looked with
confusion at the two of them. “Luke, Ronia…you know I’ve always
trusted anything you say..I mean, I known you two for years! But…”
She was at a loss for words, unable to wrap her mind around the
possibility of a connection between a history book and a disaster
event. “…I just can’t seem to comprehend this. I mean, maybe the
bomb came from a..I don’t know, a missile test gone wrong. Nobody
could actually provide an accurate report on what they saw, mind

Luke stood up, and looked
at Evelyn with desperation in his eyes. “Evie…I know it seems
far-fetched, but you have to believe us. You’re right, nobody can
accurately report on what they saw, but that’s just all the more
reason to investigate, isn’t it? We can’t rule out anything at this
point. Please, have to believe us. Just for one, tiny
little moment. What if, whoever was controlling that thing, plans to
strike again? What about the Americas, what about Europe? Can you
honestly sleep at night with the thought that you might be next? I
certainly ca–” She cut him off, defeated. “All right! Fine,
okay…You have a point. It isn’t proper safety unless we know what
actually happened, right? It’s our duty as citizens.”

Luke gave her a sudden
hug. “Thank you, thank you, thank you!” “Okay, okay…where
would we begin looking for answers?” She said, smiling. He beamed
at her. “Well, that’s what we came here to ask you about…ya’ see,
you know how your dad is chief of the Investigations Bureau?
Well…we kinda, sorta’ want to borrow his access card…” Luke
said, a sheepish smile on his face. He expected Evelyn to immediately
tell him no, and explain in detail why that was a stupid idea. “Yeah,
sure. When?” She said calmly. Obviously it seemed his expectations
needed some touching up. Both Ronia and Luke blinked. “Uh…”
Ronia began. “Next week? That should give us enough time to
prepare.” Luke finished. “Great! I’ll call Grace and fill her in. For
now, you two should get some rest, it’s getting late.” They nodded
and stood up, heading towards a flight of stairs. “Yeah. Thanks
again, Evie, you’re the best!” Luke said with a smile on his face,
and ran up to his bedroom. Ronia stayed behind though, with a more
humble smile. “Do you think he’ll actually find what he’s looking
for?” She asked Evelyn. “Hah…well, I know if he doesn’t, we’re
gonna be hearing about it for weeks.” She laughed, and waved
Ronia goodnight.



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