NaNoWriMo Day 3

“Ah, there ya’ go…”
Evelyn sighed, putting Luke down on the sofa. They’d finally returned
to Grace’s house after she and Grace had carried Luke back, and his
mood hadn’t improved much. He ached all over, and was, for lack of a
better phrase, utterly ashamed. The only word Luke would mutter is
“Sorry”, to which one of the other three would make a joke of
some kind to lighten the heavy atmosphere. “You know, maybe it’s
just me” Ronia began. “But I’m not very concerned about this
clunker here.” she went on, motioning the destroyed bicycle. “I’m
wondering more about who’s gonna pay for treatments to that wall. I
bet it wasn’t expecting that, a big mean bike coming in and smashing
it to pieces. Poor wall.” To this, Luke reflected just a tiny
smile. Leave it to Ronia to know what to say.

“…ill no report on
where the explos—Don’t miss the final contest between these two
athletes, tonight at eight!” Said the television after Grace had
flopped into a recliner and flicked it on, cycling through channels.
“Wait, go back!” Ronia exclaimed. Grace did so, turning back a
channel to “12 News.” There was a still-shot of a helicopter
overlooking a burning city. It seemed like the report was just
beginning. “I’m Emily Cainsworth, and we’re with you tonight with
more information on the Bombing In Egypt. “ “I knew it!” Ronia
said, her eyes lighting up. “This was on before we left. I didn’t
get to hear the whole thing, but…” The news anchor started again,
her voice sounding grim: “Earlier today, Egypt was bombed in a
massive attack by unknown forces. Officials are still investigating,
but so far, they’ve turned up nothing. We go now to a witness in
Cairo who was on the scene at the time of the bombing. The screen
flicked to a man standing in front of a camera. When it did, Grace
gasped – shocked at the sight. It wasn’t pretty. His eye was
swollen shut, and he had a huge gash going from down his nose, and
curving down to his shoulder, and it was only partially covered by
bandages. He had many smaller wounds around his head, which Luke
could only guess, where a proper head of hair used to be.

“It was horrible.” He
said in Arabic, a translator speaking off-screen. “I was in my
fields, tending to my crops, when that…thing came out of the
sky. After that, all I could see and feel was ash, fragments of hot
metal, and dust all overtaking our city. All I could hear was a harsh
whistling…the sound of a massive explosion. When that passed, I got
knocked in the head with a large piece of stone. Undoubtedly what
came from our fountain.” He put on a smile, but in his eyes was so
much sadness. Luke couldn’t help but wither at his story. The
Egyptian man pointed to his gruesome wound. “That’s how I got this.
Heh…’suppose it was pretty silly of me to be standing so close to
the centre of town.”

They were all mortified.
What could’ve done something as awful as this? None of them could say
a thing. No sadness, no bad jokes, just silence. This was the ugly
side of life. Humans could land on the moon, or win prizes and money
based on revolutionary sciences, but…this was the part that nobody
ever spoke of. Their eyes widened as they took in what mankind was
capable of. Luke couldn’t understand it. Why do people do these
things? It’s obviously not for money or fame. He just thought it was
to prove a point, although that still made little sense.

“What a nightmare…”
Luke said softly. “That’s what I said!” said Grace’s mother,
coming into the room. “You knew about this, Ms.Laster?” Evelyn
said, speaking up. Grace’s mum nodded. “It was on earlier. All they
showed were overhead shots of the debris. It’s tragic, isn’t it?”
They all nodded in agreement as news anchor took over again.
“Breaking news! Something has been uncovered among the wreckage
from the bomb.” A camera went instantly to live footage. There was
smoke and dirt everywhere, but through it, they could just make out a
long metal box, seemingly unharmed. No – it was unharmed.
Two scientists lifted up the box with some difficulty, as it was
apparently extremely heavy. They placed it on a table, where everyone
could see the artifact clearly now.

They were all amazed. It
was made of shining steel, about a foot tall and completely
unscathed. Yet, it was found right in the heart of the explosion.
What was even more confusing, is that on all four sides was a carving
of what looked like a half man-half eagle. Nobody could provide an
explanation, except for one man,, the man who had spoken earlier. He
approached the crowd and spoke, answering the question that was on
everyone’s mind: “That is Ra, the Egyptian Sun God.” He said
pointing to the carving. “For thousands of years, Ra has been
looked at by we Egyptians as the giver of life, and even a creator of
all things. The sun provides warmth, new growth, and a sense of
comfort. It is only my guess…” He paused, eyes turned heavenward.
“…But if Ra is angered, then there’s no telling what fury we may
be doomed for.” A hushed silence overtook the crowd. All five
staring at the television felt a wave of despair and worry wash over
them. Not the scientists, not Luke, or Grace, or Evelyn, or Ronia, or
Grace’s mum…Not even the news anchor. They all just stared at the
steel box, and wondered: “Is this some kind of omen?”

It was just then that the
television flickered off, and they were brought back to reality. “Oh
what nonsense. A vengeful sun god? Hah, completely far-fetched if you
ask me.” Grace’s mother laughed. “Now now, you all should be
getting home. It’s almost dark out.” She said to Luke, Ronia, and
Evelyn. “..Uh, right.” Luke responded, getting up and heading for
the door with Evelyn and Ronia following shortly behind him. “See
ya, Grace.” He said, turning back and waving. She returned it with
a weak smile, and they left.

Eventually, they reached
the crossroads that led Evelyn in one direction, and Ronia and Luke
in the other. They just looked at each other, still shaken by what
they’d seen and heard. After a while, they gave each other a hug and
went their separate ways with little communication. Ronia sighed.
“Haah..all this talk of angry suns and bombs makes a girl really
want a cup of tea. What do ya’ say, Luke?” She said, pointing to a
small café near them. “Wha? …Oh, yeah, sure.” And without
another word, they headed inside, Ronia soothed in the embrace of
some good tea, but Luke still wrapped up in his thoughts. Why did any
of this have to happen? And if somebody really was trying to prove a
point, why Egypt? There were so many questions left unanswered.
Finally, Luke came to a

decision. “Ronia – tomorrow, we’re going
to the museum.” She looked at him, puzzled. “Uh..okay. Why?”
“Because we’re going to investigate what’s going on in Egypt. The
thing is, neither of us know anything about Egypt. So where’s the
best place to learn about an ancient country such as that one?” She
blinked. “A museum. But, Luke don’t you think tha—” “Great,
then it’s settled!” He jumped out of his chair and ran for the
door. “See you at the museum first thing in the morning!” And was
gone. Ronia simply blinked again, then turned to a waitress near her
who was looking equally confused. “Another, please.” She said,
holding up her empty teacup.

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