When Angels Cry – Chapter 2


 Chapter 2 – The One Who Found Him


Nick walked the streets, looking up at the tall, bright skyscrapers in Timeheart. It was raining, and he had no umbrella, but he didn’t care, he just kept walking. Nobody on the street minded either. It was quiet in Timeheart, except for the pitter of raindrops on the ground, the occasional car, and the footsteps of the people. 

Nick walked forward, and eventually sat on a bench covered by a tarp. It was dry, and that was all he cared about. He didn’t have a destination, or a purpose, but he just wanted to be out in this gloomy, wet enviorment, and see if he could figure out why it was so depressing.

Just as he was about to get up to go home, something unique happened. A girl ran by him. It was too fast to see, but it looked like she was about his age, with reddish brown hair and wearing full black. Shortly after the girl, there was much more commotion. People were being shoved aside, and a large figure with a red and black leather jacket and black studded pants came running through the crowd at an alarming speed for his size.

Nick thought for a moment, and listened to the people’s responses as they saw the big figure run after the girl. " Somebody should help her! " And: " What was that thing?! " It was probably against his better judgement, and he was probably going to regret it later, but this is where Nick decided to play the hero. He got up, and after them in the direction they were headed. 


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