When Angels Cry – Prolouge

When Angels Cry 




In a city of darkness.

There are only those of the winged ones.

The ones who fly without a purpose.

They have no worth.

They’ve been cast to dark.

They are the Angels.

And this is their story.

It was raining again in Timeheart City. It almost always rained, and when it didn’t, there were dark clouds and the moon. The people didn’t mind mind much, as they were used to it. No newcomers ever came to Timeheart because of it. The city was always the same. Quiet, and raining. But there was one thing that made Timeheart unique – It’s citizens. They weren’t like normal people..They have wings. Bright, sleek, dark, short, long, wings of beautiful patterns and colors. This is what Timeheart was known for. The elders gave a name to the city for its remarkable citizens. It was known as the City Of Angels.

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