
I was going to write in here yesterday. Turns out I was just too lazy. LOL! I have so much to say!


 I guess I’ll start off by saying the good news. Which is that the dr’s office called today and told me that I DO NOT have anemia! The only thing is that I wish they wouldn’t leave a message! That’s my personal confidential health information that I don’t want anyone else to hear. I have to go back in 3 months time and get another blood draw just to make sure I don’t have it. Thank the Lord for small blessings! I was so worried about that.


As far as school is concerned, I don’t know as if I am going to get accepted back at OCC or not. Why? Because I had to call them the other day and submit a request to them that an advisior has to approve of before I can get in. It doesn’t look promising. I am waiting to hear back from them. I had to print off a form and snail mail it to them. I’m keeping my fingers crossed and if that doesn’t work out for me, then I plan on going to Ashworth. Ashworth would be so much cheaper! 


Yeah…so…we finally hired that new girl at work. I don’t know…..She’s better than Ellen was. But I find it hard to tell whether or not she’s fake or genuine. I’m just testing the waters now.

Yesterday I went to K*Mart. Didn’t spend one cent! Oh yeah! Saving money is easier than I thought. Maybe I’m not such a compulsive shopper after all! All I thought about was college. How I needed to pay for that.

I almost set work on fire yesterday. LOL! There was a vent in a patient’s bathroom. It wasn’t working so I went to get my boss and I left the fan on. Well, about an hour later it started to smoke!

I’m nervous about Friday’s counseling appointment.

There’s a lot more but I have to go to bed. Didn’t get to bed until 1am last night and I am so exhausted. I’ve been typing this for hours! 

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July 9, 2009

I’m surprised they left a msg too. You can call them and let them know it’s not OK to leave a msg, or at least a detailed msg.