Just me…

So okay…I applied just now to OCC again. I figured I might as well just in case. I am, after all changing my major too. So I felt I had to do that. And I called my high school and left a message for my guidance counselor to send a transcript. They required that. I hope I can hear from them soon. Should have applied earlier but I don’t really see how I COULDN’T get in because I got in before.

I’m feeling much better now that I am taking my anti-depressants again.

I am so excited (and kind of nervous too) about going back to school. I will do whatever it takes to continue with my education and not quit like I’ve done several times before.

Monday we have a new person starting at work. I’m nervous about that. I will try and do EVERYTHING in my power to make friends with her. And that new counselor I told you about. Lauren is her name. The new person in housekeeping is Jenn. Finally have a replacement for Ellen!

I have tons more vids on You Tube if you’re interested.

Maybe I could take some weekend or night classes at campus…I really don’t want to if I don’t have to because it’s a long drive there and back. About 45 mins.

I’m really lacking with diary entry titles. Oh well. It doesn’t matter.

Yesterday I spent another 100 bucks at Wal*Mart! Oh my! I really need to stop spending money! Seriously. I need to save it up for school now. I bought an umbrella, a shirt, a pillow, a humidifer (to help me with the dry air and my allergies), a filter for the humidifer, some stuff for my nose (I have a dry nose and the dr said to get petrolum jelly and saline solution to help it) and some earrings. I think that was it. Oh a new battery charger for my camera because my other one broke at the casino. Speaking of which, the casino was really fun! Had a good time. But again spent a lot of money there too. Tomorrow there’s a group therapy support phone call that I want to go to. It’s for compulsive shoppers.









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July 4, 2009

Sounds like everything you got at Wal-mart was stuff you can use, at least. =) Congratulations on going back to school!

I wish you the very best of luck w/going back to school.