
Okay, so I’ve decided NOT to make my social anxiety vlogs anymore. Instead, in place of them, I am going to create a documentary of my day. How does that sound? If you’re interested and haven’t viewed my vids, I encourage you to do so. It might take awhile but I am going to upload the documentaries.

I would like to know who wrote the note about me becoming a hypochondriac? I am so not a hypochondriac! No way. Whatever. I just have a lot of health problems. That’s all. I want to get them checked out before they get worse. Is it really any of your business anyway?? I don’t mean to be rude when I say that either.

I’ve been jittery all day. I don’t know why either. Another weekend goes by. That was quick! Oh well. Nothing I can do about that anyway. It maybe because of the fact that I am nervous about the doctor calling here tomorrow and telling me about the blood test results. I don’t know. That really scares me. Makes me sick to my stomach. It may also have something to do with going to work tomorrow and/or the new documentaries I am creating. I have no idea. But whatever it is….I don’t know….It probably has to do with that note I found about that family member taking those pills. Who knows??!! There’s obviously a lot on my mind. I’m stressed. I’m going totally over the edge.

Oh, by-the-way, speaking of the blood test, I was FINALLY brave enough to remove the band aid from my arm today that covered where I got poked and there was a bruise. I’m such a baby! Oh my! I swear to you! Why did I just write that? ‘Cause I’m stupid….

I’ve been uploading tons and tons of vids on You Tube all day. I have nothing better to do. LOL! 

Ugh! This anxiety is killing me! I wish I knew why I felt this way. I’m so on edge.

Well, I think I’m gonna search google for another group therapy support chat again. I need to go to one. I hope I can find another one on social phobia. As far as starting my own, I am still at a loss as to where to hold a meeting like that. Hmm…I will have to ask around or something.

This is weird. The way I’m feeling is, I mean. I’m starting to get really teary-eyed and emotional. That NEVER happens to me. What is wrong with me?!?! Overwhelmed?

Celly’s gonna call me in an hour and I think I’m nervous about that. I don’t know. Celly is someone I met online.

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