REACH OUT TO THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Good news guys! Okay, I went to the social phobic anonymous group last night. For the first time in months. Probably a year. I’ve been wanting to do that for a long time. And, I spoke! YEAH! For the first time! Ha! I was really nervous but at the end they had a part where you could share anything you wanted and BOOM! I said I was just diagnosed with Avoidant Personality Disorder and that this was my first meeting in a long time. I spoke about how crippling SAD is. Then, some lady was on who came on and told us of her "mental" problems. And how her son was in jail and how scared she was to go to the doctor’s. I thought oh great. LOL! I had to bite my lip to keep from laughing. But she came back on later and said that she wanted to exchange phone numbers and asked who wanted to do that. Well, there was a pause. Then I chimed in and said that I would. I gave her my number. Then they closed the meeting and said that the line would be open for a half an hour afterward for chatting. Well, again there was a pause. I spoke! Again! I asked if anyone was there. I said hello what seemed like a million times. After I decided that that wasn’t working, I started talking about my You Tube videos. I gave my username out to them. I started talking about how I wanted to start my own social phobia anonymous group. What happened? Some guy named John came on and started chatting with me! How cool is that?! I spoke with him for about half an hour. We exchanged phone numbers. It turns out that he lives only an hour away from me and this is a national group! Yeah! I was so proud of myself. The meeting was obviously over the telephone.


Oh, yeah….I spoke at work too. I spoke a lot more than what I usually do. So I am making great progess. If you want, I will give you the link to the Social Phobic Anonymous group. It’s:  and if you go, I plan on talking a whole lot so be ready to listen! LOL!

This is amazing!!!!!!!!! I’m very happy. Tomorrow is counseling. Oh yeah…more GREAT news! I e-mailed a counseling business to ask if they held group therapy on Monday and they wrote back to me today and they do! They offer social skills and another one for anxiety that I think I will go to. There were more groups too. So that’s really good. I feel that God is using me to help other people with their social phobia.

My spirit has been renewed. YES! YES! YES!

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June 4, 2009


June 4, 2009

That’s great! I hope everything continues going really well for you 🙂