What’s With People These Days?!

Today was one tough day! I’ll tell you…oh dear. First off, I was mopping the men’s lounge, when all-of-a-sudden, I hear a male’s voice yelling cuss words and something like, "I didn’t do it! I swear I didn’t do it" and a counselor say "But you were the last one in there!" Maybe 2 seconds later, a young male comes down the hallway with 3 counselors. Right in front of me the male patient turns around says "Bill, don’t follow me down the hallway! I’m serious!" And then, "I’m gonna punch you! Think I’m kidding?" He turned around and came probably an inch from Bill’s face with his fist. The clinical director was there and he said he was going to call the cops. I heard the male patient yell cuss words and say things like, "Stop talking to me! I said shut up!" He was packing his stuff in his room. Then, he came down to the nurse’s station and had to sign some papers so that he could be discharged. He said that he wasn’t signing anything. That he was just leaving. He took the pills from a nurse and swallowed a handful. Obviously overdosing. So the nurse had to call the ambulance too. The patient left. But the police intercepted him at the bottom of the driveway. How scary! I went to clean his room and he had ripped all these papers up and threw them on the floor. He broke his room mate’s sunglasses and threw them on the floor. He was so mad.


Second off, a 50-year-old male patient gave me his number and told me to call him! WHAT?! Are you kidding me?! He winked at me and told me that he wanted to see me outside of work. What?! I don’t think so. I felt so uncomfortable about that. I got my boss and we took care of it. Honestly, I would have NEVER, EVER told anyone that happened before. I think it’s the pills that helped me though. They help me in that I don’t feel anxious. I went down to Bill’s office but he wasn’t there. So I left a note: Bill, I need to talk to you about something that happened. Please find me if you get this message before I leave. He found me. Remember something similar happened to me at Dollar General? A 50-something year old male customer came up to me. Told me some things that I can’t repeat on here….and left. I called the cops.

Yep. My pills are really helping me. I managed to schedule another doctor’s appointment for the 9th of June yesterday. Right after work.

I’m still really tired. Not as tired as I was but really, really exhausted.



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